It's been awhile since I last posted a blog, so I figured I ought to write y'all something to let you know I ain't dead! To bad eh.
So, lately I've been feeling kind of low. Like my life is missing something. It's not easy being unemployed. But now that schools out for the summer, and the kidlet is home on a 2 month vaca, I can't go all out looking for work, so I'm a little blah. Sometimes I honestly feel like I'm useless and serve no better purpose than to watch my girl and keep my house clean.
Folks let's call this devil out right here cuz I know some of you are feeling the same way I am too. And guess what, it ain't you talking and feeling at all. Friends, our enemy is a crafty little jerk. See the devil is smarter then we think, but in that smartness is a huge chunk of arrogance that trips him up. He has his little pest demons studying us and learning our weaknesses just for the time of attack. And you know the second you accepted Jesus as your LORD and and Saviour, you put a big ol' bullseye on your person. You pretty much willingly stepped up into the line of fire and are now a prime target for the devils assault team.
I don't know how many times I need to say this, and I got a few pages in my book on this topic, but you, my dear sweet, meek sister in the Jesus need to know without a doubt:
That's right sweet cheeks, you need to be lacing up your combat boots and getting your Amour on! We got some devil stomping to do! You are fighting a devil who has personal intimate knowledge of you, hence why he knows how to attack you. One area he loves to hit is yours and mine feelings, especial the area of WORTH. That's where we women get hit hard. As women in this backwards world, we are constantly trying to prove ourselves worthy. We try to work harder, juggle more, be everything to everyone and frankly worry ourselves to the literal point of death. We are never good enough no matter how great we are. I read on FB a few weeks back a story about Brad Pitt and Angelina J. Can't spell her last name, y'all know who she is anyways, move on gf. Anywho, the story whether true or not was sad. Angelina is thought to be by MILLIONS of men and women the most beautiful, perfect, ideal of womanhood there is and yet, in this story, she had turned inwards. Depression hit her so hard it was destroying her. She apparently lost a significant amount of weight and was getting sick. Anyways, Brad came to her rescue, raised her spirits blah blah blah, she's all good. My point, Angelina, by the worlds standard has it all, but still fights the battle of self worth. Can you imagine if she came to Jesus the powerhouse she could be?
Anywho, these feelings you get in your mind of being a loser are not your own. They are a well timed attack on your person by the devil. Yes he's real, and his goal in your life is to take you down and take you out.
He wants you dead.
The bible says that he is a thief that comes only to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY. John 10:10
So if this little dweeb can get into your mind, he will. He is going to start with putting seeds of doubt in your mind. He wants you to doubt everything you know to be true. If he can get his hands on that he can twist anything.
Ladies, your number one weapon is the Bible. The WORD of God. You got to get into it daily. Dare I say RELIGIOUSLY. You got to get the Bible in your hands all the time. Know your weapon. Soldiers get so good at dismantling and putting back their weapons they can do it blind folded. Like it or not girl, you are a solider. And a good soldier knows her best defence is her weapon.
Renew your mind daily with the WORD of God. See my problem this past week is I got physically tired and lapsed in my prayer time. Things are difficult when you got little ones under foot all the time, and the devil knows your mom instincts can sometimes be used to interfer with your God time. And if you have the benefit of having a job on top of having kids, time is at a premium!
So it's up to you girl to make time for God. Nap time is groovy, but getting up before the rest of the clan does is good too. You got to get your God time. Jesus isn't the type of guy that ought to be put on the back burner. He needs to be first, even before your kids sometimes. So give The Lord the attention and time He deserves and watch how He will direct your day for you.
When you put Jesus in His rightful place in your life, you will see how fast the devil will back down. You don't have to fight your battles, Psalm 91 has got you covered on all fronts!
Fight that devil with God on your side. Your somebody kid. I'm somebody, cuz God don't make junk!
No, my book ain't published yet.
If y'all want me to come to your church to give your gals a pep talk, drop me a line we can arrange details!