Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"The Problem with Christianity"

If you are easily offended, please do keep reading my blog. My hopes is to offend you into God. I'm not here to convert you, I was not created to tell you soft fluffy stories of a magical hippie and sunshine and rainbows; I was created to tell you that you are a sinner deserving of Hell BUT GOD loved you enough to tell you His Truth and that Truth is JESUS. Keep reading... don't mind my language, I talk like this in and out of church, ain't going to put on show just for looks.

The Problem With Christianity.... I read that title sometime this week and, and I tell you what, it has pissed me off! To me, that is a totally false supposition. There are NO problems with Christianity. The problem inherently lies right smack dab in the middle of sinful people.

To say that there are problems in Christianity is to say that God has made mistakes. God does not make mistakes.

God is perfect!  To question His perfection is to cast doubt on who He is and the work He has accomplished. If God is not perfect and makes mistakes then I say, He is not a God.

However my Bible (yours too) says very, VERY, clearly:

  • Psalms 18:30 As for God, His way is perfect: The LORD's Word is Flawless; He shields all who take refuge in Him.

  • Psalm 92:15 To declare that the LORD is upright; He is my rock, there is no unrighteousness in Him.

  • Matt 5:48 Therefore you are perfect, as your Heavenly Father is Perfect.

Here are 41 other verses you can look up on God's Perfection: http://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/God,-Perfection-Of

Friends, it bothers me to no end when people tell me that there are problems in Christianity or Religion. No, there are problems with some of the people who live by the tenants of Christianity as there are problems with most people on the planet. I don't believe I have met a perfect person in all my days. I feel I have met some very holy people, but perfection has thus far eluded them and me.

SIN is the problem in Christianity

Every believer knows that one of the harshest realities of being a Christian is confronting the sinful nature that exist in all of us. Being a believer in Jesus Christ, cause one to look introspectively at oneself with a critical eye. Finding out those sinful desires that ought not be there. To not act upon the the desires of the flesh. To name sin, sin. To call it out! To make it Known! The Bible will bring conviction into your life into the areas that you need to be cleaning up. 

SIN is the problem, Not Christianity.

Going to get harsh here... (If this hits home, deal with it)

Your problem is this: You want to live your life by your rules and damn be God in the process. You want to do what you do and have zero consequence. Eat, drink, and be merry. Have sex with whoever and whatever. You don't want to live by the God given rules because YOU HAVE ARRIVED! You do not need some big guy up in the clouds telling you how to live. Hell No! You're going to be as badass you can be and screw the world! 

Then come Sunday Morning, you're going to show up to church in your finest cloths and sing the Hallelujah Chorus! Because the reality is, YOU do not fear God! I would even wager, You Do not even really believe He is real. IF you believed that God was, you most assuredly wouldn't be acting the way you do and calling yourself Christian on top of it.

The reason why so many people are falling away from the Church in droves is because it isn't the Christianity that Jesus and the apostles suffered and died for! They were willing to fight to the death for this TRUTH and the chance of eternal life. But in today's world, WE have sugar coated the gospel so that it doesn't offend the masses. Well, You all know what I think about the masses... Drop the "M". 

The problem IS NOT CHRISTIANITY the problem is Christians refusing to answer God's call to holiness!!!! Heck, the problem is PEOPLE in general not wanting to listen to God's call to holiness!!! Holiness is for sinners too..it's a foothold to the path to Jesus Christ! 

God said several times..."BE YE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY!" This is simple...this is OBEDIENCE to GOD!!!

You want to twist script so you feel better about your sin! You twist scripture because you don't want to hurt some homosexuals feelings. You want to soften the blow to thieves, liars and prostitutes. You DON'T want to tell them that they have to change because it might scare them away!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!! How dare you withhold the TRUTH from these people who will end up in Hell because your a lily livered coward!!!

TO FREAKING BAD FOR YOU SON!!!! THE TRUTH HURTS!!!!! Especially when your truth is not God's truth...then it's just a lie of this evil world we live in. 

Do any of you saved people remember the lives you came out of? I have heard countless stories of people who's lives were transformed from sheer darkness to Glorifying Light and you are afraid to tell someone gay guy/gal/it that he/she/it are living in sin? You'd rather send them to hell "loving them"... No I say... You actually HATE them in my opinion. How could you not tell someone about Jesus knowing the end result? That's wicked.
Oh I know, lets pick on some Christian sins.. Divorce...If you have been divorced for any other reason then what Jesus deemed fit. I suggest you get yourself right before the LORD before you even consider another mate.

How about you couples who aren't married who are living together and knocking boots on a regular occasion? That's fornication. STOP IT!!! GET MARRIED!!! 

How about you dadgum perverts looking at pornography on your iproduct while your wife and kids are only feet away? Goes the same way for mommy porn! 



Stop loving the World, it didn't die for you! Why would you be willing to die for it??? That's all there is to it you know, repentance makes you right with Jesus so you can come closer to the throne of God!



The problem is not Christianity, the problem is US!!!