Friday, July 2, 2021

The Fabulous gifts of Reconciliation and Forgiveness through Christ Jesus our God and Saviour

I have been avoiding social media now for months.  I deactivated Facebook a year or more ago, don't use Twitter,  have no clue how to work Instagram or tiktok.  I have no interest in reading things from covid to Biden to Trudeau et al. I am here to tell you,  I DO NOT MISS IT,  NOT EVEN A WEE BIT! 

Now,  just because I have chosen a quiet life,  does not mean the hubby and kids have followed suit.  So occasionally I get the latest news and gossip from lala land.

What I heard recently has prompted much study for myself. So let's get to it! 

Disclaimer: my blog, my opinion, you don't have to agree.  Move along lil' doggy if you don't like what your reading. 

Okay here we go!

So it has been said that Jesus doesn't address many of today's social issues.  No where in the New Testament does Jesus condemn things like homosexual behavior, or even pedophilia for that matter. Guess that means because Jesus didn't address it,  we have a pass to continue on. 

WRONG. So wrong.

Okay let's get to my first point. 


What the church has failed to teach could fill a few books.  They make distinctions for everything to suit the current social and political climate they find themselves in so they can be relevant to the times we are in. 

One thing the church has pretty much failed to drill home is the most simple basic fact: JESUS IS GOD.

Jesus is not just a flesh and blood man,  the Bible states in Col 2:9 that in Him (Jesus) the whole fullness of diety dwells bodily. Jesus is 100% God and 100% man at the same time. 

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God and the Word WAS God. He was with God in the beginning... skip down to 14, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among men.  

There are numerous scriptures you can search that talk about the triality of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

While our human brains can not completely comprehend the true nature of the God head, rest assured, Jesus is one with God.  He is God, PERIOD.


Since we have now nailed that FACT down,  let's move along to the next thing the church is failing to teach. 

Since Jesus is God, everything that God has spoken has also come out of the mind and mouth of Jesus!

There is no discourse or confusion or separation within the God head. 

God Speaks, Jesus acts, the Holy Spirit works it all out.  They are in perfect unity and agreement 100% of the time.  

Jesus, trying to drill home this simple point as He stated in John 8:58, "Before Abraham, I am." And then in John 10:30, Jesus nearly got stoned for stating this "I and my Father are one". Don't think I need to make that any more simple.  

They all speak, they all agree AS ONE.


Since they all speak and all agree as one, then the most logical conclusion is that anything God spoke in the Old Testament is in fact from Jesus as well.  Jesus has been since Before time and therefore as part of the God head has spoken the entirety of the Bible from the first words ever spoken "LET THERE BE LIGHT" to the last words of Revelations.

THEREFORE! Jesus from the start of the foundations of the World has laid out for all of mankind the rules in which He wants for us to live. 


The Bible has clearly stated from the first book to the last book the plan that God/Jesus has designed for the lives of the believers.  He has laid out very simple instructions for us to follow. 

Now,  some people like to call out things like what is written in the book of Leviticus as "cherry picking" and "hypocritical" because Christians today do not follow these specific commands from God. 

There are alot of people today who by choice commit infanticide through abortion, homosexuality, adultery, idolatry etc.

They say how come we aren't stoning your mother for wearing mix fibers or selling your daughters into slavery?

You guys remember when we had to put a warning label on coffee because it was hot? 

First let's make this super clear,  if you want to justify being a homosexual,  pedophile, zoophile (insert deviant behaviour) by using the Bible as your key argument, then you got a huge set of kahoonies. 

See,  Leviticus was not written for just anyone,  it was specific to a group of people who were CHOSEN by GOD and called to a HOLY life, separating themselves from the rest of us. They were given guidelines to live their lives by the Rule of God. Gentiles not so much. Sadly,  it's on the other side of the river we were not called to such a Holy Standard of living. We could continue to live our debasing, self absorbed lives as we saw fit. Leviticus DOES NOT APPLY TO GENTILES. (But hold on...more on this in a second)

It wasn't until Jesus came to earth that the message of SALVATION came to the gentiles. Remember the lady who came begging like a dog for scraps? Well Roll over puppy, it's our turn now!


The gift of reconciliation and forgiveness of sin

Time for the meat! 

Jesus said in John 14:6,  "I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father but by me. "

In John 9:5 Jesus said "as long as I am in the world,  I am the light of the world."

Light and Life are very significant in the life of a believer.

Jesus has clearly spoken here as God in His use of "I am". Research for yourself the many "I am" statements of Jesus and allow for the Holy Spirit to bring you the total Revelation of the oneness of JESUS AS GOD.

See from the very beginning,  God the Father knew that man was going to fall,  He new the entirety of History from start to now and knew that we were in desperate need of saving.  Jesus the son at the very beginning of time laid His life down for our sins so that we could have a future with Him in the presence of our Father. 

There was no greater gift than the gift of salvation through the shedding of the blood of the Lamb from the foundation of the world.  

Jesus came at a time in History when everything was perfect for the plan of salvation to be put into action. Justifying us all once and for all through his death on the cross and bringing is into right standing. His victory over death, hell and the grave has given all of us the "free pass" we need to avoid eternal damnation. Reconciliation was the game plan from the start. 

In the beginning God/Jesus spoke these words "LET THERE BE LIGHT". Now,  this is my opinion to which I am adding to this statement, take it or not.  

Light is not only about the physical light that we have because at this point the sun wasn't created,  this light was more then just a physical illumination, it was also the releasing of wisdom and knowledge in my opinion.  

People who are not believers are referenced in the Bible as being in the dark,  and there eyes are closed to scripture because they are in the dark,  when we become saved,  we are illuminate with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  The light that is in this world.  That light is a beacon that points us towards the Holy lives we are urged - not forced to live. 

We are asked by God to give up the things of this earth to come and follow Him.  The call to Holiness is like the call of the chosen people.  God is not commanding us that we must,  He is imploring is to come off our own free will. 

Jesus did not come to abolish the laws, but to fulfill them.  We have laws because we are to eager to sin. Ever hear that lock doors keep honest people honest? Same thing.  The law is still there,  but you don't have to go out of your way to break them.  In fact, unless you are breaking the law, you don't have to worry about them now do you? 

Jesus also brought us another awesome gift,  GRACE. GOD'S UNMERRITED FAVOUR. This is the best gift a Christian has because instead of having to continually sacrifice animals to cover our sins,  Jesus's death on the cross covered ever confessed sin once and for all. We can come boldly before the throne of grace and leave our sins as He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.


CHOICES! Oh what a tangle web we weave when at first we practice to device. 

I'm going to cherry pick a couple of sins here,  I'm going to pick adultery and homosexuality.

So everyone who knows me knows that I am by far the most sinful human to ever live.  I have pretty much crossed off every commandment. Now one by technicality- I have never actually committed murder but to be honest I have wished that a couple of people would fall off the face of the earth so as the Bible Said hate in one's heart is essentially murder,  I have that sin against me. 

I have already confessed my sins before God/Jesus and I firmly believe that God/Jesus through the precious blood of God/Jesus has reconciled me back the Father. 

Sin is sin. There is no difference in what that sin is,  it all separates us from God.

Now specifically homosexuality, this seems to be the biggest beef between the world and the Bible at this present moment.  I have a couple of questions about this. 

1. If you're lgbt and not a Christian what does it matter to you what I believe or what the Bible has to say? Go on and do what you want,  your life. 

2. If you are a Christian and are lgbt and or support the LGBT, how do you reconcile supporting sin? Because if this is the case, your are saying that God/Jesus is wrong and you know better and what God designed from the beginning is wrong. 

If God in the Old Testament stated that a man sleeping with a man as a woman is an ABOMINATION, trust me when I say,  Jesus says the same thing. So if both agree we know the Holy Spirit is on board and that's the unity of the God head. 

God does not Condone sin of ANY kind. Hence why Jesus had to die!

Now again, if you are lgbt and you are trying to use the Bible as your key fighting point,  you are what we call an oxymoron.  You are trying to fight a battle against God using His own words.  It doesn't matter what you feel is right,  it only matters what God has decreed.  For a Christian,  it is to be our final authority on everything.  Your world view should only be through the lens of the Word of God. 

If you want to use your free will to live a lgbt lifestyle that is up to you but it does not absolved you from the consequences of your actions anymore then drinking and driving.  You may go accident free for a time but sooner or later it will catch up to you. 

God's Word is for God's people. If you don't want to be separated and set apart for Him,  by all means carry on  my wayward son, but you get your comeuppance when the time is done. 

Lukewarm Christian, you do not have the right to have your cake and eat it too. Sorry for your luck.  It is literally God's way or the highway (to hell). You do not have the right to tell God how His Word is to be.  He called these things SIN, that is why He provided us the escape,  Jesus.  

Jesus is the only way.  

You have a choice to make, choose you this day whom you will serve! It's 100% or nothing, your opinion is not needed when God clearly states He hates something. 

There is a way out, there is always a way out of sin,  that is coming to the cross of Christ and repenting, turning completely away from your sin no matter what it may be! Face the music, take the consequence but rest assured,  Jesus will be with you till the end of days.