Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Open Heart Surgery Part 1: Working your life away

What's your heart motive?

Man, folks, I literally just finished the most inane argument a couple could have with my husband...cell phone alarms. I adore my alarms.I make an alarm for all sort of things. Getting up, leaving for school, picking up for school, 10 min bed warning, go to's just plain fun to me even though I don't need them. I have awoken every morning since before high school between 5-5:30am without an alarm clock. I am rarely if ever late, even though sometimes I try and I still end up being early. It's just not in me to be late. I don't like it. I don't like wasting peoples time any more than I do my own. I especially detest being late for church or work...

Apparently, my grandfather who died several years before I was born, use to get up at the crack of the crack of dawn. Once upon a time he was a farmer, had the worst luck of any man ever to live. Bought a horse that died the next day. However the man was "thrifty". He didn't waste nothing! Not even water. When he was done his meal and if there was a desert present, he'd flip his plate and use the bottom! "Why dirty another dish"? He'd say.

I guess as a farmer, he made the best use of his day. My mom recalls him working hard before he had to give up farm living. I honestly don't know much more about him then his temper and how hard he worked. But I really don't think there was much joy in his life. He drank an awful lot and was miserable more times than not.  At least that's what I heard of him. And I often wonder why.

I know this lovely person, he's a super hard worker. But man, he's miserable. He works all day long, day after day and just complains like the devil. Never happy, never satisfied, hard to be around...and completely alone. He has put WORK in front of GOD.

Folks, God did created us to work. That was part of the plan. That's why Adam was told to take care of the garden of Eden. He was meant to work it, but in his work he was meant to enjoy it.

Eccl 2:24 There is nothing better for people to do than to eat, drink, and find satisfaction in their work. I saw that even this comes from the hand of God.

Eccl 3:22 I saw that there's nothing better for people to do than to enjoy their work because that is their lot [in life]. Who will allow them to see what will happen after them?

Work was intended  to be fulfilling but as usual we've changed the rules of the game. See we WORK to LIVE and that's not how God intend us to be. Now cool your jets bub before you quit your job or start spitting at the screen, let me explain. YES we must work in this world to get money, that is our "lot in life", but our problem is, we aren't working for the joy that it should bring, we are working to provide for our families and our needs.

Eccl 6:7 Everything that people work so hard for goes into their mouths, but their appetite is never satisfied.

That is because THIS IS NOT OUR JOB! THAT IS GOD'S JOB! He supplies our needs.

2 Cor 9:8 Besides, God will give you His constantly overflowing kindness. Then, when you always have everything you need, you can do more and more good things.

Philip 4:19 My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.

See we are seriously wasting our work time working so hard for so little gain. We need to stop and revise how we approach the way we "work".  

The bible says in Deut 2:7a "The LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands."

So we know that what we already do is blessed, even if it's cleaning up with the "Honey dew" wagon or church toilets after a street outreach breakfast. But HOW we do it is the key to being JOYFUL and fulfilled in our work situation.

The Bible says in Col 3:23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. 

Our work place is our MISSION FIELD. We are to show the rest of the world the true JOY of the LORD that is suppose to be filling up our lives, instead of going to work pitching a fit because so and so has asked you to do a little extra. Do it with joy because God sees every little detail you are doing. Instead of sitting with the chronic complainers, refuse to complain and be glad you have a paying job!

Me...I've been unemployed since I move to this little island 2.5 years ago. Recently, I stopped searching for work, and decided that since summer is almost here, and I'm far to cheap to pay for a babysitter when school is out, that I would start to focus my time on something far more important and that is getting right with God.  

See I use to apply to any and every job I could...I didn't even get a reply from Tim Hortons!!! And who knows more about coffee then me?! Hardly anyone I know! But I am blessed that my husband has a job that takes care of us, so that I can have this training time. 

This is not to say that I don't volunteer. I volunteer alot. I volunteer at church, at school, at community events. I'm a great volunteer that no one can pay! Story of my life. I work hard and do take the odd paying jobs too that come way. I have subbed as the janitor of my church. Nothing is beneath me. I cleaned literally pooped cover stalls after the street out reach breakfast at our church. I swear, the man was trying to paint "A Starry Night" on the stall walls in poop!!! I suffered! I suffered greatly! And now you get to imagine it.(I'm a giver)  But you know what, instead of freaking out, I just sang my little heart out the entire time I scrubbed that stall clean. Because I had a job to do, and it was to clean. I am very efficient with my time when I get out of my way and start praising God for the opportunity to serve Him. A  pastor friend of mine asked me years ago, if God asked me to clean toilets would I... I guess I would. 

Friends, there are some seriously horrendous jobs out there, and if you shift your focus off of you providing for you, and focus your faith on the fact that you are working to honour God, I guarantee you THINGS WILL CHANGE!

 See, the key here is putting down your flesh as it is in many occasions. Our flesh demands attention and demands alot of ego stroking every so often. But when you take your focus off yourself and ask God what He wants for your life, your job can become so much easier. 

What motives your heart? MONEY OR GOD? 

Ask the Holy Spirit who lives in you to give you New and innovative ways to do a boring mundane existing job. He's smart! He's has more ideas then you can shake a stick at! When I have a hard time figuring out something, I ask God to bless my hands for the labour that I am about to do. And you won't believe the "accidents" that turn out to be exactly what I need to do! God knew! All I had to do was get out of my way!

I'm a jolly girl! Ask my husband! I love singing, whistling, and being joyful. I have a sense of humour like none other and I just love to laugh. I have a joy that is not my own, I have God's joy in my soul and it helps to make dull times fun. 

The Holy Spirit is gracious and if you call on Him to help you in your boring or overworked life, He will help you. Take the focus off of you having to provide for your family and focus it on, I work because I want to build the kingdom of God, things will change! Perspective will change. Habits will change! You will become a GIVER!!! You'll love to give, you will give so much that you will get so much more! God loves a cheerful giver and that includes your time at the grind stone!

Nehemiah 8:10 Then he told them, “Go, eat rich foods, drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who cannot provide for themselves. Today is a holy day for the Lord. Don’t be sad because the joy you have in the Lord is your strength.”

Every day is a good day when you give it over to Jesus! Give it all man. Why be a miserable complainer when you can enjoy your life! Don't let money become your be all and end all...take the focus off of serving money and put the focus on what will honour God in your work life and watch the changes happen!