Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I AM A SINNER! I am going for a divorce.

Well you know the drill when it comes to my blog, I am not about to sugar coat a single word to sooth your over sensitive souls. So keep reading if you have a strong constitution and can mind the occasional potty word. 


Did I miss a memo? Was there a list that I didn't see? 
*excluding blaspheming the Holy Spirit

Once upon a time I use to be just like everyone else. I use to think that I had a legitimate god-given right to look down my nose at everyone because I was "MORALLY SUPERIOR". Oh how the mighty fall... I am getting a divorce and holy cats have I been privy to some really weird extremes here. On one side I have people who support me (not knowing the whole story) and on the other side, I have people condemning me for my decision and telling me God will hate me. So this is why I must rant to you today...

One of my greatest pet peeves is people using the Word of God to hurt fellow believers and non-Christians alike. They take a particular scripture and just bash the beegeebers out of some fallen person till that person wants absolutely nothing to do with God ever; and even some believers fall away. 

I'm gonna shock you all now! I sinned, actually when I looked at the 10 Commandments, I've broken more than my fair share. I AM A SINNER...but dadgum it, I AM SAVED BY GRACE!

IF GOD'S WORD IS TRUE, nothing I can do will separate me from the love of God.

Romans 8:38

I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love which Christ Jesus our Lord shows us. We can’t be separated by death or life, by angels or rulers, by anything in the present or anything in the future, by forces or powers in the world above or in the world below, or by anything else in creation.

It bothers me to no end that people separate sin by their view of what is worse. SIN IS SIN IS SIN. All sin no matter how great or small is still sin, AND ALL sins are covered by the blood of Christ when a person repents.

Adultery, Murder, Abortion, Lying, Gossip, Hate, Divorce, Theft, 


Why did Jesus have to die for our sins?

The reason Jesus had to die for our sins was so that we could be forgiven and go to be with the Lord. Jesus is God in flesh (John 1:114Col. 2:9), and only God can satisfy the Law requirements of a perfect life and perfect sacrifice that cleanses us of our sins.
All people have sinned against God. But, God is infinitely holy and righteous. He must punish the sinner, the Lawbreaker. If He didn't, then His law is not Law, for there is no law that is a law without a punishment. The punishment for breaking the Law is death - separation from God. Therefore, we sinners need a way to escape the righteous judgment of God. Since we are stained by sin and cannot keep the Law of God, then the only one who could do what we cannot is God Himself. That is why Jesus is God in flesh. He is both divine and human. He was made under the Law (Gal. 4:4), and He fulfilled it perfectly. Therefore, His sacrifice to God the Father on our behalf is of infinite value and is sufficient to cleanse all people from their sins and undo the offense to God.


1) Gossip. I have noticed lately that there are far to many men and women gossiping around the churches. One of the greatest lies they tell each other as they spend their time bad mouthing other people is that they need "support" or "advice" from other Christians. While this is marginally true, the reality is you really only need to talk to a very SELECT few about your personal problems... you DO NOT have the right to tell anyone else problems, just yours. I suggest your Pastor being one, perhaps a parent if you have one or your best friend but not every single person who turns their ear to you. I hated going to women's groups because some woman would inevitably pray for her "friend" who's spouse is a lying cheating sack of donkey dung. Seriously. SMH!!!!

2) Airing of your dirty laundry in public. For the love of all that is Holy and good in this world, SHUT THE HECK UP ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL PROBLEMS!!!!! The more people you wag your gob at about the problems in your home is only causing damage. EXAMPLE I will use me. Many of you know that I am getting a divorce. But the reasons are between me and my ex and a very select few people. People who are directly involved 3, my pastor and my best friend. Frankly, what happen between me and my ex is OUR BUSINESS and I will not tolerate wagging tongues and I will not expound on our reasons.

3) Bad Mouthing Spouses. OH MY WORD!!! I don't care how bad your spouse treated you. SHUT YOUR HOWLING SCREAMER ALREADY! Sure your spouse could have been the south end of a north bound donkey but that's between you and them. Why do you think you have a right to run your mouth? THIS IS GOSSIP. PERIOD. Shush it. GOD HATES GOSSIP especially those who run their mouths in families causing more problems.

Do you people realize the more you slander someones character the harder it is for them to follow the right path?

The whole point to Jesus dying on the cross people is to bring EVERYONE into right standing with God.

Romans 5:8

But God commandeth His love towards us, that while we were yet sinners, CHRIST DIED FOR US.

4) Twisting God's word to suit your purpose. Holy Cats does this boil my blood. I HATE with a passion how some people take scripture and start to twist the very words of God to brow beat someone who has little to know understanding of scripture.

5) Last but not least, Pastors who empower people to emotionally and mentally abuse each other.

The last time I checked, FORGIVENESS was an ABSOLUTE with God. If your pastor is telling you that you have a biblical right to hold ANYTHING over your partner or child or friends head then I tell you right now, get the hell out of Dodge! You as a Christian have absolutely no right to hold anyone sins against them. Who the heck do you think you are? God? Even God does not do that to us!

Psalm 103:12

As far as the East is from the West, so far hath He removed our transgressions for us.

Lets look at a little list of Biblical hero's...

Abraham... Liar, Unbelief, Lust (took Hagar)
Lot... incest
Moses... Murder, Divorced
Rahab... Prostitute
David... Murder, Liar, Adultery
Bathsheba.... Adultery
Solomon... Bigamy on an epic scale, adultery, fornication, murder, idolatry

Excluding Moses and Lot... Abraham, Rahab, David, Bathsheba and Solomon are all in the bloodline of Jesus.

Frankly folks the whole problem I am having is that Christians are becoming to be far more concerned with keeping up their appearances then being accepting of fallen brothers and sisters. You know, I've noticed a lot of divorce care groups pop up in churches recently which is great, I really like the idea, but I want to see more. I want to see divorce care groups that help heal individuals who's marriages have ended due to things like adultery, abuse or homosexuality. I want to see the Adulterers, Abusers and Homosexuals BACK IN CHURCH WHERE THEY BELONG. Not cast aside because they "caused" the marriage to break down - which isn't really true, it's always 50/50 when a marriage dies.

I am of the opinion it is better to leave a marriage because you can not commit, will not remain faithful or uncertain that abuse will not occur to your spouse then to continue on living a lie and hurting one another. Whether I am correct in my opinion will be revealed when I get to heaven, but I know for a fact that I'm still going their. I am certain of my salvation and the forgiveness of my sins. My God, the God of the bible is not a tyrant psychotic psychopath! My God allows me freewill to choose my path and which road I WANT TO WALK.

FYI: Your marriage covenant, by the way was broken the very first time one of yous laid a hand on the other in violence - you broke your promises of love and protection. Adultery and homosexuality are not the only reasons for a divorce, abuse is too.

Food for thought... When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden.....

a. Why was temptation put in their midst, unguarded, within reach?
b. Why was the serpent allowed to roam in the garden?
c. Why did God not stop Eve?


God has given each and everyone of us FREEWILL to choose which road we need to walk down. And yes, sometimes walking away from a marriage happens. Yes God can repair a broken marriage, true. But sometimes we willing make our decision and live with the consequences of our actions. Sometimes, as fallible humans we just stop giving a rats ass and are just too far gone to give a snort about fixing anything.  OUR lives our own to live. We must walk whatever path we decided on. Good, bad or indifferent. We have to do what we personally can live with. And frankly, I believe in my heart of hearts I am doing what is right for me and I will deal with life as it comes my way.

God will not hate you because you choose to divorce your spouse. God knows whats going on and while He does hate divorce, He has made provisions for you through GRACE only brought to you by the SHED BLOOD OF JESUS.

Forgiveness is for EVERYONE not just those perfect people who attend church on any given Sunday.

UPDATE: My divorce became official in August of 2018. Today, my ex husband and I are on better speaking terms then we ever where before.  I know I did the right thing and I know that God has not ousted me from the kingdom either.

Rant done... coffee time.

Freewill is up to you but you live with the consequences of your choices.