So let's begin with a Happy New Year to everyone! For those in Christ, may this be the year of the Lords favor on you. For those who are not of the fold, may you come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as soon as possible.
This message is for the lost among us. Those who need Jesus.
Friends, once upon a time, we were all sinners, but there were events that lined up in our lives that removed the veil from our eyes and allowed us to see the glory of Jesus Christ. Was it simple? No. Has life been full of sun shine and roses, no. So why do it?
There comes a time in your life when you come to an impasse, where hard decisions must be made and that line drawn clearly in the sand.
For me, were I to continue on my path to destruction, (I admit my sins are plenty, too numerous to list,) or to finally humble myself at the awesome feet of a mighty, just God. If I continued, I can say with 100% certainty that I would be in my grave. The wages of sin lead to death and I was running straight for it.
God saw it all. He saw every second of that life and still looked on my ugliest sin filled self and saw Jesus beautiful redemptive grace for my life and loved me so completely. No human love can compare.
God saw that this lowly human had a purpose. That preserving my life from my numerous attempts on it, I was worthy of His saving Grace and His love. All I needed was one more opportunity to turn around and face Him.
I came face to face with my God. I stood in His presence the unclean, evil, vile, sin filled wretch that I was and with one act of Jesus, He covered me in the redemptive blood of His Holy self and made me clean! Clean before my Lord! As the beautiful Petra lyrics state:
"Like a spotless lamb, I'm blameless in His sight
With no trace of wrong left to right
I'm clean, clean, clean!"
There I, the lowliest of the low, could stand boldly before the throne of Grace! My true repentance and total turn around gave me the Grace to be united with the Father through Jesus's gift of the cross. Who am I, who is anyone that would not take such a gift?
But the gift, it comes with conditions -Honor the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your might!
Turn away from the way of the world and cleave to Him. God's way must be your be all and end all!
This world is sick and backwards, It hates all that was created by God, it twists and tears the very fabric of society, truth and right and for a time makes all evil feel right. But soon, sooner than you realize, the falsehood falls away and reveals the trap and often times, it's too late, you are trapped. You have been told a lie and you believed that lie and made it your life!
But God...
There is a way out! But it will take all you have to escape. You will have to kill that old life, the old ways, the lies. Repentance is never easy. Admitting to God that you have sinned even when you feel that you haven't because the world says so... God's way is higher. His word is absolute Truth. He is not a man that He should lie! No, He is just and righteous, there is no evil in Him. His word stands!
Not one of us is blameless! We all have twisted His holy scripture to suit our wants and desires. How many times have you spat in the face of Almighty God? This should terrify you!
Friends, Now is the time, now it's the hour, the very second that you have an opportunity to turn from the life you now lead to a life that gives Glory to God. By reading these words, you have made yourself aware and accountable to the truth. You can not claim ignorance to Him. Hell is full of Good people with good intentions.
Salvation is only through Jesus, no one and nothing else. Your Good deeds mean nothing! They are filthy rags before a Holy God.
But you in your infinite wisdom do not believe in God because "love is love" or children die, or good people die, or you have a disease that isn't healed or your dad died of cancer believing for a miracle.
None of that is God's fault. It's because we have turned our backs on Him that sin has entered the world. And death and disease is a byproduct of sin!
But trusting God can make life worth living! Even if you are Never healed, you are still making an impact for Jesus! Being an ambassador for Him in the vessel you are in possession of, use it for the glory of a God! You don't have to be physically perfect to tell a broken heart Jesus loves you.
You will lose "friends", you will lose family and perhaps jobs and social status but what does any of that compare to when you gain Christ?
The time is coming when The Western church will be persecuted and ridiculed for what we stand for, but rest assured friends, we fight the Good fight of Faith! Our Faith is our seal and when they kill these earthen vessels we will be seated with Christ! Not even death can keep us from His side!
Christianity is not for the weak, oh no, it is for those who love the truth, who will stand for what is right and protect those who are weaker. We stand for Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our Faith! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Lamb of God! This time friends, when the book will close, will your name be written down? Do you have the fortitude to stand against the devil in these evil days? To turn your back on the world and live for Christ alone?
Sin wants to seperate you for God, from His love.
All you need do is throw yourself on the mercy seat, the foot of the cross, repent and turn from your wicked ways, run to God, let Him set you free and then...
Jan 3 2023