Well, it's not "new" really, but it is creeping up on us yet again, Valentines day 2015.
Ladies first and foremost, I have not read it, and I most assuredly will not be reading it nor would I pay to see it. I have read reviews and frankly, I don't understand why any Christian woman would sully themselves with such outrageous nonsense.
Ladies, I can not stress this enough,when you put garbage in yourself, it's bound to come out somewhere else. Usually when it's sex related, it's going to show up in your marital sex life. Usually in the form of un-fulfillment with your spouse. Reality is, hubby is probably not going to be the epic lover you dream of in your harlequin daydreams. If you want epic sex, pray together before you engage and ask The Lord to bless your sex life! God created sex for a reason, ENJOYMENT.
If you are not married, frankly, I don't care if you get mad at me, you got no business worrying about sex! Get married.
I was told today via Facebook post, by a Christian reader of said filthy book, that she had free will and was strong enough in her walk to be able to read this book.
That my friends is a classic response which I like to call A LIE FROM THE PITS OF HELL. You are only as strong as your crappiest thought. Truth: We all run by our thoughts. We think, we act. It's just that simple. And when we continuously feed our minds sinful thoughts we start to act on them. How many cleavage or sexually suggestive selfies are on your phone right now? There are a couple of Facebook friends on my list I really want to slap in the head. It's one thing to look pretty...it's another to look like your 2 seconds from a strip tease!
I hate to say it ladies, but or minds rule us. The apostle Paul realize this and said in 2 Corinthians 10:5 "throwing down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."
Do you not think that reading such a book like 50 shades of Smutt would fall into the category of "imaginings" or "thought capturing"? An idle mind is a danger. If your thoughts are not on God what are the focused on?
Question: How much garbage do you let into your mind? Think about it. How much inappropriate content are you allowing to cloud your thoughts? Nonsense romance novels,straight up pornographic images? Do you allow your eyes to linger a little longer on that hot cowboy photo your girl friend posted?
Prov 27:3a For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.
There is always a price to pay somewhere.
Ladies, we are so over sexed that we have become biblically malnourished!
When Jesus was ask what He thought was the most important law He said in Matt 22:37 "You shall Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul and WITH ALL YOUR MIND..."
Ladies, WHAT IN HELL DO YOU REALLY NEED? What makes you think you can walk the way of the goats and come out pure and spotless with the Lamb?
1 Cor 10:23 "I have the right to do anything," you say--but not everything is beneficial. "I have the right to do anything"--but not everything is constructive.
Ladies, I've said this before, IT IS TIME TO ANSWER GOD'S CALL TO HOLINESS! You can not live on the world side and hope for the best! Rev 3:16 "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth." We are not playing a game ladies. We are at a time in our history where we need to step up and show the world that we are not their property and our citizenship is in heaven.
How sad is this world that sex is the most important topic when there are billions of starving kids, wars and homeless people. You would think that maybe we'd have something better to do with our time.
In the end ladies, it's not the fact that you're a strong person, it's about obedience to the cross of Christ. So really let's be blunt, is your walk with Christ more important than your need for sexual imaginings? Are you willing to give up the world and all the temptations and shinning baubles it has to offer?
Like I said before, I wouldn't even use that filthy book as toilet paper. The things this world has to offer pale in comparison to the things that Jesus has already given for me and for you.