Sunday, June 28, 2020


I tried to watch a movie today, it was supposed to be uplifting and inspiring. To me, it brought back a lot of painful memories.

Bitterness can be a daily struggle. We have to fight it or be consumed. I am sitting here at my dining room table fighting it right now. It is so hard for me to see why I had to endure through the hardship I did. I honestly don't know why. Maybe it is to help one of you when no one helped me.

My goal in life is to help women like me. I don't want my worst enemy to suffer like I did. I couldn't stomach the thought of it and yet I know thousands of people are living the same existence each and every day. 

I am talking about abuse. Men get abused too, lets keep that door in mind but for me, I can only see my own world. 

So to get through this bitterness I am writing you all in the hopes that God will speak to us through His inspired Word. 

We know that in the end, all things work together for His good. So the good in my story is I survived and have thrived in my new life. I have a beautiful daughter who is my gift from God and the most loving husband I could ever ask for. I am thankful to God that He allowed me to have this happiness.

God says in His word time and again that He loves us. I know this is true because when I left my ex, I had friends pop out of the wood work to help me and my daughter to get on our feet! Wish they had of popped out sooner, but all in good time right!

I know that I am redeemed even though I divorced my ex. God hates divorce but He also hates abuse and you should never stay in an abusive situation! No person, male or female should ever have to be afraid of their partner! 

If you do decide to stay, SEND YOUR KIDS AWAY!!! You may want to be a martyr but your kids should never have to see you being beaten! Do you understand the turmoil you are causing them? 

My mother, stayed with an abuser. My brothers and I saw her being hit, saw him take an axe and tried to murder her!!! I will never, as long as I live forget that!!! I will never forget the day he threw hot scalding coffee on her and strangled her till she almost died and could speak for weeks after! I will never forget the day he came downstairs Saturday morning from the top floor to the basement wearing his steal cap shoes and proceeded to kick my brothers because we were laughing too loud at the TV!!!

Folks, abuse is wrong period. No one has the right to lay hands on anyone! 

If you are reading this and you are the abuser, you need to listen right now, you are destroying your family. You are destroying your witness. It is time for you to smartin' up and do right by your family! I do not care one wit how stressful your job is, or how much of an ass your boss is or how dirty your home is or how loud your kids are, KEEP YOUR HANDS AND FEET to yourself!!! 


You need to get on your face before the Lord and be broken by Him or lose everything. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God!

Wives, if you are being abused, LEAVE.

Husband's, if you are being abused STAND UP and stop taking it! You are the head! Either take control or walk out that door. If she is beating on you, report her! Take pictures of your wounds and report her silly ass! Do not be ashamed! You are a valuable person too! 

Folks if you have laid a hand on your spouse regardless of your gender, you have broken your sacred covenant vow to love, honour and protect! 

God made man first then woman. We are to walk in concert together, in harmony. How can two walk together if they are unequally yoked and can not agree? 

Folks, YOU can not change your spouse, only God can and only if your spouse comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus! I know this to be fact. I spent the better part of my marriage praying and believing for a change. It never came and things got worse. You're best option is to SAVE YOURSELF and I will fight any preacher who says different! God does not want to see you being abused EVER!!! The advice I took from two Pastors was to be blameless and to Fake it! Bull shit right there!!!! 

I know I will struggle throughout my life now with the memories of the past but Praise God I am free and liberated from my past! I have a glorious future ahead of me and I know that as each thought creeps up I can take it captive to the obedience of Christ Jesus. 

I already feel better... and I hope my words will encourage all of you to look to God for your rescue. If you do leave an abusive situation, give everyday to God and allow Him to be your Husband and provider and I promise you, He will take care of you.