My blog, my thoughts, don't like it, too bad.
Today's blog brought to you by the mass hysteria of wearing masks in a post covid world.
IN MY OPINION COVID-19 has been the biggest load of horse pucky to be shoveled down the throats of every single living and dead person. While I do not deny people have died, this outbreak is no where near the level of the the Black Death which took over 25 million lives in it's first round and was far more devastating than covid will ever be and we should have never closed the world down like we did!
The bubonic plague is still here in 2020.
Mortality depends on the type of plague: Bubonic plague is fatal in about 50-70% of untreated cases, but perhaps 10-15% when treated. Septicaemic plague is almost 100% fatal, and perhaps 40% with treatment. You can still be infected with these today.
Moving along, last week were directed by the powers that be to muzzle ourselves in masks 😷. Not any specific kind of mask, just anything that pretty much COVERS YOUR IDENTITY. Just in time for riot season! Woot!
Well, I have notice a bunch of you dirty bears rewearing your very much contaminated masks over and over and over. Some of you have even shared your facecoverings. EW. You leave those nasty things in your cars, pockets, wherever, but u don't take a new clean one...nooo you keep that germ infested piece of filth.
Medically speaking, your mask should be changed frequently to prevent bacteria from forming on your face and mask. Wonder how long before upper respiratory issues sky rocket?
Oh! BUT IT'S THE LAW! Well if you read the law, it also tells you that if there is a risk to your health NOT to wear a mask. I do believe an upper respiratory infection qualifies as a health risk.
But I am a Christian and I must "Follow the laws of the land because God put governments in place and if I do not follow the law there will be consequences".
That would be a take off of 1 Peter 2:13-17
So this is where we will part ways my dear friends, you go and wear your mask and I will go and NOT wear a mask and here is why.
You believe that I am going against scripture by not wearing a mask, well, I can not live as a freeman like 1Peter 2:13-17 declared me to do. I will rather live like the Apostles did in Acts... REBELS.
See, what my truth is and what yours is are 2 different things. I am not going to obey a rule that infringes on my liberties anymore.
The government has already closed the doors of ever church in the name of safety but left beer stores open, allowed you to go to Walmart and still live your life but don't you dare worship God! In my part of the country, Mosques were still open and even did their call to prayer on loud speakers! How nice.
Folks, when they closed the churches and left the beer stores open, that is when I drew my line in the sand. How willingly Christians were to stop going to perhaps the safest place possible for them!
Listen real good right here, if you claim to be a blood bought Christian, and are putting all your security and faith into a paper masks you have found a new idol to bow down too.
No mask is going to save you! The only thing strong enough to kill this virus is people PRAISING GOD and pushing back!
We as a Christian community need to call a Global Fast! And I mean a biblical, no water, no food, no nothing fast until we get results like the people of Ninievah!
The blood of Christ cleanses us from all sickness, all disease and every sin! How can you call yourself a Christian if your trust is in a mask and not 100% in God?
Is this tempting God? Not wearing a mask?
HELL TO THE NO IT AIN'T! This is trusting God! This is telling God that you will believe His Word and walk in His divine covenant that states that No Disease, no virus, no plague will come near your dwelling place!
Do you people realize that Jesus and the disciples lived outside the law? Why do you think the were all murdered? Because they stood against Caesar! Because they spoke the name of Jesus that put their mortal bodies in their graves! Jesus went into a temple and beat the stuffing out people! That is called assault and it is against the law!
In Acts 4:18-19 it states "So they called them and charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.But Peter and John answered them, "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, YOU MUST JUDGE, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.""
Their deaths were a direct result of standing against the laws of the land.
Y'all need to read a very, very old book. It's stories of other criminals, people who stood against the government, the false church, the monarchy, it's original title was "The Acts and Monuments of These Latter and Perilous Days", today known as Foxe's book of Martyrs.
Ladies, our Christian heritage was built on the backs of rebels and the lives and subsequent deaths of many great men and women like Martin Luther who even went against the Catholic Church! William Tyndale, John Huss to name a couple others.
Our first Martyr was Stephen who was murdered for speaking about Jesus!
Not good enough, lets go back to the book of Daniel! The 3 Servants of the most High God, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stood against the rulers and ended up in the fire! Were they tempting God by disobeying a kings edict? They clearly broke the law!
No! They knew that God had their backs! The law pushed on them was unfair and designed to draw them out and make them go against their freedom.
My citizenship is in Heaven (Philp 3:20) and I will never tolerate any attack on my personal freedoms.
See God isn't the one who is going to crush me, the government is.
Acts 16:37a - "But Paul said to them, "They have beaten us publicly, uncondemned men who are Roman citizen..."
Paul as a Roman citizen had certain rights that were trampled on and he still stood his ground against the laws while going through the right government channels to plead his case.
So before you give me your line about wearing seat belts because it's the law and the 10 commandments restrict us, understand that every driver has broken the law by going one KM over the legal posted speed limit. You have broken the law by not wearing your seat belt in a parking lot. In fact, if you do not every day do a circle check of your vehicle before you drive you have broken the law. How many people have done an illegal UTurn? How many of you have stolen a lighter, pen? J-walked across the street? Parked in a handicapped parking spot, had expired tags on your car?
The 10 commandments were created to show us that we could never possibly measure ourselves perfect, that is why we need a savior, Jesus Christ! For the record, I have single handedly broken every single one of those commandments. I have not physically murdered anyone but I tell you the truth, there are a few people I wished dead.
So you want to nit pick about which laws you are going to break and claim your holier than thou stats, you are lying to yourself and to God and you need to repent.
So in the end folks, what law are you going to disregard as an inconvenience to you?
My line has been drawn. This is the hill my battle begins on. I will not take anymore SHIT the government is pushing on me. I will not take their vaccine, I will not take their microchip and I will not take their mark.
You do your truth I will do mine...
I will die for Jesus will you?