Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Saved through Childbearing?

My blog, my opinion, go write your own and have your own say!

As women, we do indeed think very different from our brothers, and it is a great exercise for us to learn scripture together and to gain a very full understanding of what we are reading.

Not everyone can go and ask a husband for his scriptural answers, so as sisters we ought to be ready to help one another out or for curiosity sake, have discussions on various biblical topics.

This particular passage is one that really does hang a lot of women up in their walk because they feel after reading it that they have no place in the body of Christ, which could not be further from the truth, and what if they never have kids? What then? Face value isn't always clear.

The reality is, we as women have a vital role in spreading the gospel to everyone regardless of their genders, and it begins at home and filters out through our spheres of influence.

*********** The scripture reference *********************

I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

🚩Yet she [EVE] will be saved through childbearing🚩 — if they [women] continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. (1 Timothy 2:12–15)

******************************** [my inference]**************

I believe this portion of scripture begins specifically with Eve, as she was the subject of the previous sentence, that through giving birth, eventually Jesus would be born.

Going back to the serpents curse...
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭3:15‬ ‭GW‬‬
[15] I will make you and the woman hostile toward each other. I will make your descendants and her descendant hostile toward each other. He will crush your head, and you will bruise his heel.”

As a result of the fall, our punishment was to bring forth our children in pain through child birth. Gen3:16
Unfortunately, many women suffer greatly from giving birth and we have forever suffered. Some of us have died, some of us have suffered extremely painful and often life threatening deliveries and some of us have never recovered physically in our reproductive area making everyday life painful and s*x painful or difficult or even not at all.

With Jesus Death and Resurrection, He broke the curse that was place on woman, putting us back in right standing with the Father, thus making us once again in equal position. We have never been below our husband's in any respect before God before the fall. While their is an ORDER in God's way, it does not devalue a woman or relegated her to nursery.

If God is the head of Jesus and Jesus is the of the church who sits under Jesus's authority?

When God created woman, He created her in equal position to man. In fact, being taken directly from Adam gave her his DNA with God giving her XY Chromosome. So, we were never inferior ever before the fall. God treated Eve as Adam. We are virtually twins.

Did you know that woman did not receive her name till after the fall? God was content with calling her Adam because she was woman. No difference in His eye's, He loved her just as much.

I hear a bunch of man jokes, "child birth must not be so bad, woman have 2,3,5 kids a man only gets kick in the sweets once, that's enough pain for him!"

While I get the joke, the point missed is that, as we go through childbearing and especially as Christian women, we are giving life to generations of believers who hopefully will along with our Savior, crush the serpents head!

Now, in the Greek, the word "they" that follows after childbearing, is not a pronoun and does not refer to the preceeding sentence, and I personally take that "THEY"  to mean the faithfulness of us mothers. How faithful are we to bring our children up in the faith and our mothers before us? Again, our children and ourselves for that matter have a duty to crush demons! Are we living up to that challenge? We can't let Jesus have all the fun!

(Little note while I'm thinking about it: There are only 10 generations between Adam and Noah, that's not quiet a 1000 years, and in that time, man went full out stupid and rebelled against God. From Noah to Babel is about 5 generations and the people again rebelled against God. How soon people will forget the goodness of God!)

We must remain faithful to God and yes ladies, we are to still learn and then go out and preach the Gospel to all flesh, starting at home, then in our circles of influence, the stranger on the street, the shop girl... you do not need a pulpit to preach Christ, you need a willing heart. You are commanded by scripture to go...so go on, git...there are places only you can go that a man could never set foot.

That is my take on that scripture. Just thinking.