Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Don't Judge someone because they sin differently than you... ya right

My blog.. my opinion, disclaimer, blah blah blah...

So my husband says I should rejoin the land of social media, it'll be fun, he said, my friends miss me he said, I need to be more social, he said.... bah humbug. 

So what do I do? I join a bunch of Christian women groups. And what do I find? Stupid memes by the boat load y'all! Like I'm not even kidding. 

It's not like I go looking for an argument okay, it's just that someone will post the most flakiest crap I have ever read and I sit here and wonder if I'm the only one who read what the meme said. Let me give you guys an example and then I will post my comment below the meme.... just so you know, everyone who read this meme AGREED with it! There were more "Amens" in that thread then common sense. 

Picture 1. 

My reply (which probably is my death nell for the group) 

Man, I'm sorry, not really, but this meme is so full of crap!!!!. ....ABSOLUTELY CALL THEM OUT.. be bold enough to love someone enough to call out their sin, you would want them to bring correction to you would you not? Or would you rather love them straight to hell? 

TMI TIME ladies, I had the worst marriage humanly possible. I mean 12 years of being beaten and belittle and when I got the chance to run away, you bet your sweet buns I took it and ran clear across the bloody country.

Unfortunately for me, I left my brains with my bible a few thousand miles behind me. 

There was a opportunity to sin and boy howdy did I jump on it! And everyone save ONE person was all "you go girl! You deserve happiness!" Utter bunk! Only one person called me out! My brother, he got in my face, called me and my sin out for what it truly was because he truly loved me, and he wasn't perfect either!

Love is telling the truth even when it could cost you a relationship. 

Sin separates us from OUR MOST HOLY GOD!!! That right there should straighten us up!

This is a true story, let my stupidity be your warning, you don't have to make these mistakes, you can stay on the narrow road and learn the lessons from us dummies. 

Be bold, it may hurt, but God is calling us to holiness, He won't put up with our out-right sinning for much longer, be bold sisters! 

Stand alone if you must.

Sisters, I really, really need to drill this home to everyone, only Jesus is perfect. 

So while you may be struggling in your sin, and sinning differently from your sister (or brother) the Bible literally says in John 8:32b THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!

When we step out of the darkness and into the light, we are shinning a bright bold spotlight on our sin and exposing our sins to the cross of Calvary! The devil then loses his hold on us and has no more power on us AND in doing so, we become accountable to each other.

There is nothing wrong with correcting one another and being accountable to each other and most importantly to God. Jesus confront people with their sin consistently! The woman at the well being the most prime example. 

But it is always up to us to come to God with a repented heart.

Philippians 2:12-13

Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,13 for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

It's truly a power move on our part! Frankly, this stupid meme is actually outright lying to the reader and making the reader assume an entirely false assumption! To not confront is to turn a blind eye! 

Yes, recognize the sin in your own life! (the plank in your eye)  but don't let your sister fall to hell because you're afraid to be called out for your own sin! Deal with it! Deal with it together! Be corrected together! Be humbled together! Beat the enemy  TOGETHER! ACCOUNTABILITY. 

Paul, when he found out that Peter was being two-faced with Jews and Gentiles called him out in public! What Peter was doing was wrong, and in fact was causing division in the new church and Paul was having none it. So if Paul can call out Peter for bad behaviour, you can call out your sister who is in need of a darn good "come to Jesus moment" just like my brother did for me.

Maybe, the sin you sin differently that are now being exposed to the cross of Christ will become a repentive ground and a Victory for the Cross! 

You don't know,  that moment could be your last moment to speak to her! We are not promised a tomorrow and frankly, who do we think we are playing with fire the way we do! She could meet her end!

Again, let my lesson be your lesson so you don't get burned! Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God!!! 

Ok, so meme 2... 

Okay, so the next meme breaks my heart, no seriously, shatters me. I know y'all think I'm a cold, heartless, cantankerous, crazy, cat lady, I am, but I do have an itty-bitty tiny little heart that hurts when I see other people suffering, needlessly.

One thing that really strikes a cord is when I read, "Why God..." like the following meme...
my reply: 

No, wrong thinking! 

Bad things happen to everyone regardless, it isn't a why did God let this happen to me. 

It's God, how can I serve you and give you the glory while I go through this journey. 

Everything has it's purpose and will ultimately have a meaning in the end. We won't know why during the horrors of that particular moment but maybe a few days, months, years down the road (maybe in the here after) God will reveal to us the "Why".

If you are today in a horrific moment,don't ask God "why", ask Him "how". How can He trust you in that moment to bring Glory to Him. To be a lamp to someone who is watching you suffer. 

Remember Paul when he ask for that Thorne in the flesh to be removed Jesus said, My Grace is Sufficient for you.

Ladies, God loves us so much, that He sent Jesus to us, and Jesus loved us so much that He obediently gave His life, his innocent life for us.

He is our reason to speak truth to our sisters and to give God the Glory due Him even in the midst of the worst trials. 

Please take a few moments to watch the story of Dr. Helen Roseveare,