Tuesday, May 19, 2015


When Life Gives You Lemons... THROW THEM BACK!!!! Yeah you heard me! Welcome to my blog! Today, I am going to give you chapter 7 out of my book that I can't afford to print. I know I should wait, but it's an awesome chapter!

Disclaimer... my blog, my posts, my thoughts, NO COPYING... don't be a loser and copy my work, that's just a being a jerk.

The Chronic Lemon Sucker

I adore the title of this chapter! Youve heard the saying When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Its a lovely sentiment really, but what do you do if you dont want to make Lemonade?  What if you think you have the RIGHT to be snarky and jaded and you actually want to be offended and angryWell now, Ill tell ya. You can and will develop a chronic case of being an embittered chronic Lemon Sucker.

Some of the characteristics of any Chronic Lemon Sucker are as follows:

  • Depressed, 
  • mean, 
  • self absorbed, 
  • defensive, 
  • walking in Offense, 
  • critical, 
  • gossiper, 
  • sarcastic, 
  • rude, 
  • ignorant, 
  • mean spirited and lets not forget...
  • spiteful

Some CLS (chronic lemon suckers) are even abusive physically but more so with their mouths. They can tear a stranger down in less than a minute for simply looking at them the wrong way. They are always on guard and ready for a fight, even if they are in the wrong. Especially if they are wrong, because they know and have something to prove!

They have a strong need to defend themselves, due to the fact they probably never had anyone stand up for them or have come out of one dark and horrible life.

The Chronic Lemon Sucker can be any age, gender or skin tone.

Now, if you are reading this and are being honest with yourself and find yourself saying, yeah thats me! Dont worry, you are not alone. I took all those traits from myself personally. I am a recovering Chronic Lemon Sucker.  And if you dont see yourself in any of the aforementioned words, Congrats because you are able to be living a Godly life and or are in denial!

Gal 5:22-23

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such there is no law.

There are 9 fruits of the spiritDo you possess them ALL? (I know I dont) IF not, I suggest you keep reading.

 Unfortunately, not all of us want to exhibit the Godly fruits of the Spirit simply because we dont want too. Its far easier to be miserable and self loathing then it is to be happy and cheerful, even the Godliest of people fall short of this goal at times. We all get into a bit of self pity here and there and it is in reality Lemon Sucking! There are days when you want to be in a bad mood. Its purely a choice.

BUT HAVE NO FEAR!!!! There is a cure to being a Lemon Sucker. Do you recall poor little Elijah sitting out there in the dessert throwing himself a pity party and no one was invited because they were all supposedly dead or gone, and something came an ate his shade while he was snoozing? If Elijah can have a bad day, Im sure the rest of us can too. Even Isaiah had bad days! He stood before the LORD in chapter 6 and admitted he was a "man of unclean lips and lived among a people of unclean lips!"

Lets take the time to look at the life of Lemon Sucker.

When you are a Lemon sucker, you are miserable all the time! The JOY in your life is pretty much nil and that tends to put people off. You seem to push people away because no one can stand to be around you for very long. Nastiness breeds nastiness. Its like a contagious disease. You seem to have a dark cloud over you all the time and feel hopeless like there is just nothing and no one out there that can help you.

You tend to blame every little thing on your past experiences, every Negative thing that have ever happen to you. All the chance encounters all the abuse (physical or other); has drawn you towards the bitter juice of the lemon. And eventually what you put into yourself will come out of yourself. Garbage in, Garbage Out.

Luke 6:45 45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

I knew this woman; I met her in high school. She came from a very nice background. Her house was so big; I got lost looking for the front door! Her parents did everything for her. When I met her she was 16 and her mommy cleaned her bedroom! My mom stopped doing that when I was 6!

Anyways, reflecting back, I dont ever remember this girl smiling. She always came to school with a scowl on her face and a chip on her shoulder. Her very countenance was dark. As years passed, she ending up getting married and have 3 kids and then ended up divorced in a matter of 7 years, although she never actually celebrated a single anniversary with her husband.

Her excuse was thisMy step dad was mean to me, he didnt give me everything I want.

My mother was mean to me because she wouldnt let me do what I want.

My mother in law was mean to me because she wouldnt let me do what I wanted.

My husband is mean to me because Im expected to be a wife and mother.

My kids expect too much from me and I'm too tired to give.

She blamed everyone for her problems. And to this very day has never allowed for happiness to enter her life. She is very bitter, right to the core. She even attended church with me for a couple of years but even the Love of Jesus was too hard for her to handle. She is a CHRONIC Lemon Sucker.  Today, she is still bound by those lemons and honestly, you can see it in her physical appearance, bitterness has covered every inch of her, But there is still hope for her as long as she has breath in her body. People like this need one thing, lots and lots of prayer.

In essence a Lemon Sucker is heading the wrong way on the right road regardless, of their Christian walk. Ive been born again since I was 4 years old, but I still manage to step out of Gods protection and into bad things while still attending church. I can get gossipy, I can get mean... I can fall. It wasnt till I was in my 20s that I realized that I was actually putting myself in danger of Hellfire. And for someone like me, that scared the snot clean out of my nose! Im a pastors kid for heaven sake! I thought I was 100% safe! WRONG! I can just as easily choose hell as I did choosing God! Thats a personal choice and God will honour it...up or down, my choice.

 I spent a good many years being offend at every chance I got, in church, on the street, to even school. It was super easy at school! I blamed my classmates for not liking me because I was a Poor little Christian half breed Indian girl. I figured that was a good reason to be mad. After all, these white kids had the best of everything, and I had to wait forever to get anything because money was tight and boy did they loved to taunt me and make fun of and bully me.

Then as I got older, I figured I could hold offence to how I perceived people treated my family. I come from a single parent home and around these parts and at that time, it was looked down upon times have changed eh. Even in the churches you were treated differently because there wasnt a man in the house. So again, I used that as an excuse to be angry.

Next, my mother remarried  this super neatguy she had been dating note the sarcasm. When they got married holy cats! Did all hell broke loose! He turned into an evil, physically abusive man over night! So I drew more anger from there. Because why? I was abused and my mother couldnt stop it? And my mother was abused and I couldnt stop it! And my brothers were abused and nothing could be done because we lived in fear! Waking up in the middle of the night to a man you view as father choking the life out of your mother...makes up for a messed up mind.

From then on I knew something was different. I was in a constant depression. I literally felt dark. Like the joy in my life had been sucked right out of my body. The light was snuffed out. There was something in my life that made me feel miserable. And I didnt do a thing to change it. In fact, I embraced this darkness.  Imagine that a PKwho isnt perfect! (PK is Pastors Kid)

Not that I had any understanding at that time. I didnt know or realize that I was doing anything out of the norm. It was normal for teenagers to be depressed. It was normal for teenagers to act out. These things were accepted as a part of growing up. Actually statistically speaking, our generation and our kids, today are the most depressed generations ever to live! The rates of suicide are extremely high compared to say 50-100 years ago.

How wrong was I! These things are not normal! And its high time that we start to address these problems. Especially with our kids today! They're Baby Lemon Suckers in training! 

Lemon Sucker is a nicer term then what it really means. A Lemon Sucker is a Spiritually Oppress or even possessed person. Spiritual oppression can start any age. It usually stems from a negative experience that has happen to you. Something as simple as getting your bottom tanned for being caught with your hand in the cookie jar to something painful that actually scares your memory like sexual abuse. Weirder still, it can be something that happens to your mom that she passed down to you unknowingly. Generational Spirits.

Generational spirits are like a witch's cat...a familiar. Something that knows your family history back to the dawn of time and who likes to bring all the bad stuff from the present to the future. I am part Indian. Even though I never suffered alot of the abuse that my ancestors did, I still get pangs of anger when I see things like residential schools or even documentaries on things like Wounded Knee. Not that I suffered, but my ancestors did and their junk is packed neatly into my families emotional trunk that has been dragged through every preceding generation. BUT I don't have to own the junk in the trunk... more on that in a bit.

The sad thing is that these negative things take full control over our lives because we dont have the tools to deal with them or are under the delusion that its acceptable. It is not acceptable. Its in fact very dangerous.

A lot of lemon suckers actually end up committing suicide. They are so involved in their feelings of loathing and worthlessness that they cant see the light at the end of the tunnel. (I mention this earlier in the book - see, it needs to get to print!) Theyve been embittered for years and its overtaking them. So much so that its a final solution to the question Why was I born if I was only meant to suffer?I know this because I have attempted suicide and failed, thankfully, but I did have to spend time in the nut house for that one.

Personally, it took me a long time to get over things that I experienced in my life and even today, Im dealing with these issues as I remember them. Im sure that I have blocked out a lot of memories that I dont want to deal with. But I am an over comer through Christ Jesus! AMEN!

I had a lot more control in my life when I was miserable because I used it as a tool to get my own way. As with a lot of other disorders, people use them to manipulate other people to get what they want. Its a sick reality that we have to deal with. Theres a new saying now Hurt people, Hurt people. Read it over till you get an understanding.

I was hurt. And all I wanted to do was hurt people in return because they shouldnt be allowed to feel good when I was hurting. I actually resented happy people. I felt that everyone ought to be miserable and suffer with me. I couldnt stand to have happy people around me. I like to find people who were worse off them me, because I felt better. Its like a skinny girl hanging out with fat girls to make herself feel better about her body.

I made my choice to be a Lemon Sucker. No one had to ask me or force me. I did it of my own free will.

Lemon Sucking is a CHOICE. You dont have to sit there and blame God or the world for all the hardships youve had. You dont have to go around hurting people because youve been hurt. You have a choice! Its up to you.

Other then walking in all this Lemon Sucking offense, try walking in love. If more people did that, we would be way better off.

Now how do I walk in love? Get an understanding first. If you have this background of Lemon Sucking then understand that there are others out there just like you who are having a bad day or life; other than being ready to beat the stuffings out of someone, be ready to give a shoulder to cry on. Empathy goes a long way.

I just finished reading a book called Driven by eternity, by John Bevere. I hated every page in that book because ever word condemned my actions. I now realized that I really dont have a RIGHT to do as I please. I have a RESPONSIBILITY to live a Godly life. And Ill tell you the truth- Its hard! I fail every single day. But I dont stop and give up, I keep trying.

You don't have to OWN the JUNK in your trunk!

What you are doing when youre walking in love is in essence breaking old habits. You are dying to your old nature and ways of doing things and learning new ways to combat your bad behaviour.  I wouldnt think twice about telling someone off. Now I actually think before I speak but not all the time. And I do use the WWJD What would Jesus do. Its a real eye opener. But like I said, Im not perfect. Ive been a miserable sought for a good many years; I am not going to change overnight and neither will you...BABY STEPS!

Theres this new craze going around our Christian community its called Inner Healing. I personally think every single person on the planet ought to go through it. We need to start dealing with our past hurts because they are what cause us this present pain. They affect ever single aspect of our lives, from how we relate to family to spouses.

There are some things in our past we need to repent from. Other things we need to ask forgiveness for.  And still other things, we MUST let go of. We cant walk in love if we have a suit case full to over flowing with Garbage. Its impossible. Its dragging us downward and away from our goal of total freedom!

We must make choices now and live with the consequences of our actions. And the most important thing is to stop blaming ever man and his dog for all the problems in our lives. We are the ones that make our decisions we are the ones that mess things up so now we need to get out the broom and dust pan and start cleaning it up and dumping it into the garbage bin where it belongs.

If you have been abused physically, sexually or emotionally, its going to be hard. But your first step to healing and drinking lemonade is to forgive the person who hurt you. Even if you never speak to this person, make it an act of your free will to forgive this person. YOU TAKE THAT FIRST STEP AND FORGIVE THEM FOR HURTING YOU! LET GO! You don't need that baggage anymore. Don't own that junk any more. They have NO MORE POWER to hurt you when YOU forgive them!

You really dont need to hold onto that resentment because all its doing is tearing you up inside. Forgive Forget Move on! Thats my new motto. What I'm saying here is this...Chose to forgive that person, Forget what they've done and move on. You don't have to be buddy,buddy with them you just have to Love them with the Love that Only Jesus can give. Love - you won't harm them, you won't slander them, you go about your life free from the chains that bounded you to them. There is nothing that you can do today that will ever change what happen yesterday, but we have JESUS who can take the hurt away faster than you can blink! And thats more then sufficient to cover over those hurts.

The things that we hold onto inside will eventually make themselves present in our lives by influencing behaviours and reactions to certain situations and even into our physical beings. We will start to literally feel the sin in our bodies. And I truly believe that a lot of the sicknesses we deal with today are a direct result to things like un-forgiveness, hatred, anger etc. All these negative emotions are hurting us. They are literally causing cancer, arthritis, and heart disease. Its not just the 3 packs of cigarettes that are killing you its your emotional well being as well.

Look around. You see it every day everywhere. Youll see a person all twisted and misshapen and find them to be harboring a lot of hatred in their lives and because its coming out in their bodies, they are worse off and some are beyond mean!

As an act of your free will start forgiving people! Im going to say that over and over till you get it!

I want you to make a list here, on this list will be the people who have ever done you wrong, and as you write down that persons name, I want you to write ONE positive thing they have done for you. Then, when you are good and ready, I want you to take each person, one at a time before the LORD and by an act of your free will, forgive them. Its high time you and I start to focus on the good thing people have done for us and not the negative. If you can't find anything nice to write, then write beside them this "The nicest thing this person ever did for me was to unknowingly lead me to the loving arms of Jesus"

 If the person has passed away, put them on your list still, you dont have to go and meet everyone individually; you just have to forgive them. And while youre at it, ask the LORD to forgive you for your Un-forgiveness.

 Mark 11: 25-26, 25 And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. 26 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.

Notice that if you dont forgive the mistakes of others, God will withhold His forgiveness of you? This is very important because you are stopping Gods favour and blessing from flowing in your life.

How important is it to you to have your own way. How important is it to harbour hatred in your heart towards someone. Do you really have to be angry? Do you really need to be justified because no one has justified you? The answer is NO! These things are not important.

Jesus is our advocate. He sees what is going on. He knows how we are feeling. He knows our hurts and the thing is we dont have to suffer those hurts anymore because when Jesus died on that cross 2000 years ago, he died for our hurts, our pain, our SINS! He justified you with the shedding of His precious blood!

We can STOP lemon sucking! Its not that hard. All we have to do is start rolling these hurts onto Jesus and let him deal with them. Yes, I know, you probably went through some terrible ordeals in your life, but there is nothing impossible for God to change!

You still need to let them go, they really arent doing you any good anyways. If you want that ABUNDANT life that God is offering to you today, you have to let them go! They are holding you back from becoming that person you were meant to be and they are able to destroy you from the inside out.

I personally decided that fighting with certain members and ex-members of my family really wasnt worth stopping the flow of Gods blessings on me and in my life. I finally, after 20 years figured out that God will justify me. (I'm a slow learner) I even went a step further and asked forgiveness from these people for any offense I caused them, and not for any other reason than I was sorry.  I dont want to rekindle any relationship with these people, nor do I have too, all Im required to do is apologize, forgive them, and forget the history. It is easier for you to say youre sorry then for them to hear it. Heaping coals of fire on them may just burn that resentment off them. What they do afterward is not your problem, if they wish to harbour ill will, it's not your problem. The LORD just wanted you to be obedient to Him.

There is way too much drama in this world, and I dont want any part of it. All I want now is to have my sanity. I want to be happy for a change. Im tired of being stuck under that grey cloud sucking back bitterness and un-forgiveness. I like being in the warmth of the sun. Its beautiful. Nothing is grey and miserable anymore, I see colours! I see flowers! I see everything that God created for what He created it for, my enjoyment!

Yes I know that life is full of bad situations but really, I cant control that, but what I can control is how I react to it. When someone hurts me I have to remember water off a ducks back” … let that hurt roll off me. I know that the person who is saying it is hurting themselves. I can see my former self in them and I should know by now how not to react to them. Its not important whether Im right or wrong, what is important is that I let God defend me and I must now start to act in a manner befitting a Godly woman. God is going give you every opportunity to change. He will put situations in front of you for you to react too. How are you going to react now? Same old, same old? Or have you found that New way of thinking?

Like Ive been saying its an uphill battle ever day because of my sin nature, but if I keep at it, everyday will get easier for me and it will become second nature eventually.

You dont have to be a lemon sucker. You dont need to allow bitterness to take root in you; you dont have to be miserable! You can have your lemon and make Lemonade if you want too. Make that choice today.
 Are you done with your lemon yet, you wanna finish it? I have a garbage pail here for you. (Ill touch more on forgiveness in chapt 8)

Lets Do Something Proactive! So, Life Gave us lemonsyou and I are going to do something productive with them icky thingswe are going to make us some Lemon-Aid!

 Ingredients for Lemon-Aid:
 A cup of love:
   Prov 10:12: Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins
    1 Peter 4:8: And above all things have fervent love for one another, for love will cover a multitude of sins.

A cup of Compassion:
   Matt: 18:33: Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?
   Matt 5: 38-40: 38 You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.39 But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 40 If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also.

A dash of understanding:
   Prov. 18:2: A fool has no delight in understanding, But in expressing his own heart

A Pound of forgiveness
   Mark 11: 25-26:25 And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. 26 But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.

And a little bit of time... for yourself to sit back, put your feet up and learn that walking in love is not an easy thing to do but know it can be done IF you allow Gods principles to take root in you and start to grow and soon you will be able to bear the fruit of the spirit and never mind the lemonade, why not have a pitcher of Fruit Punch!

Gal 5:22-26
 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such there is no law. 24 And those who are Christs have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

Be G.O.D blessed!

***Bonus excerpt from an upcoming chapter***

Getting blessed by God is a great reward for your "Faith in God" Mark 11:22, but there is a reason for it... you have been blessed to be a blessing! Not as some think and claim to "feather your own nest"... No, that's just more of that genetically altered religious nonsense trying to say that God cannot trust you with His blessings!

See when Jesus cursed that fig tree in Mark 11, He did so because it was NOT a blessing to Him when He WANTED!

In like manner, what good are we if we can not be a blessing when others want?

We need to G.O.D Bless!-


You know God is the greatest giver ever and works on the Law of Sowing & Reaping...See, the devil is legalistic, there are protocols that must happen or else the devil can move! Natural laws states you have to sow first before you reap a harvest! God knew that! So He had to follow this law too...

For God so loved the world that He GAVE...God SOWED His only son so that He could REAP all of us as His sons and daughters! We are the HARVEST that The SEED Jesus produced!!!

So, if you want all the Blessings of God, start your giving! You MUST SOW before you can REAP a harvest!

Today, Ask the LORD for the opportunity for you to be a blessing! A Giver On Demand!

Grow Up Already!

I think this is going to be my favourite section of the entire book, next to the Chronic Lemon suckerWe are now going to talk about Maturity!

Now, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a bit of fun now and again. In fact I urge you to play at a park or do something fun. I still watch and enjoy cartoons! Some people like to go for rides on bikes or fishing anything (well anything that is good for you) as long as you can let your hair down and chill out for a bit. You cant always wear a 3 piece suit!

You know what, I love getting all gussied up to go to church on Sunday, but when I get home, Im in a pair of track pants and shirt that probably smells like yesterday. I just want to chill, and toss my socks in the corner so my lovely painted toes glisten in the sun light.

Menthere is nothing worse than high heels. I don't own any!  I rather wear my camo girly crocs or sketchers Mary Janes I love my Mary Janes. Im all about comfort now. When I was young, I couldnt wait to wear high heelswhat was I thinking? But looking good on the outside doesn't actually mean we are grown up on the inside...

So what does the bible have to say about growing up? Maturing?

1Cor 13:10-11 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away. 11When I was a child, I spoke as a child; I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Heb 5:12-14 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of Righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Spiritual Maturity is not an option, it is a requirement. You must grow. Even in the natural, no one stays a new born. Everyday our physical bodies grow and change, and soon before you realize it, youre watching your own kids grow up.

Maturity starts when you take the initiative. You must be the one to step up to the plate and seek God and His will for your life. Maturity, just like everything else takes time. I told you all that Ive been saved virtually my entire life. Even so, it doesnt mean that I could preach when I was 8 years old. I had to grow up in Christ. Likewise a new born Christian must grow up in Christ. Sound doctrine is essential to growth.

Step by step by fall by step you will begin to grow in Jesus. Its a difficult journey but you are more than able to do it. Phil 3:13 says to strain towards the goal! So press in! While we are beginning to mature, we must not only seek God but start to take responsibility for our actions too. For years we have walked in sin and did things our own way, and where has it gotten us? No closer than when we first began.


You have too. 100%. Your flesh will start to give you trouble as you begin to walk in Gods will because your Spirit is trying to take over. And Lord knows how that will go over right. Too bad, so sad, you got to put down those old things like in Treasure two, breaking those chains of your life. The very best place to start is by getting into the word daily. Once you have your foundation, you can start to build on it.  If you can commit to reading the bible every day, you are able to take a lot of ground back from the devil.

Remember Plan A and Plan MePlan A is Gods way, Plan Me is messed up. You have to start being Transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 Prepare your mind for action, and as Ive said before, take EVERY thought captive into the obedience of Christ! (2Cor 10:5)

I kind of like verse 6 too, 6and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.There it is again, Obedience! Everyone knows that a key to raising a godly child is obedience. We have to be taught to be good for heaven sake!

You know just by reading the Word of God alone every day, you will begin to see a difference in your life. When you add some good solid foundational teaching, you will flourish like a well watered plant!

I call theses signs of MaturityI am working on them too, daily and I figured why not share them with you.

1. A Christian should be a person with only ONE face!
One HUGE problem we as Christians have today is back stabbing. We are kind and friendly to ones face but the second they turn around, we start. Lets take a lesson from the movie Bambi "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Thumper had it right there!
1 Timothy 5:13
At the same time they also learn to be idle, as they go around from house to house; and not merely idle, but also gossips and busybodies, talking about things not proper to mention.

2.  A Christian IS his brothers keeper.
Yep, you heard me, we are to make sure our Christian brethren are always on the right path, and we should restore them with LOVE when they faultier. Raise them up to their former standing in LOVE. That means to Forgive, Forget and Move on. If we cannot forgive, how then will the Father forgive us?

Mark 11:25-26
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins."

3. Christian should be THE example.
If Jesus was perfect why can't we be? He was just a man, flesh and blood...why then can't we strive for the same?  It's really not all that hard...all we have to do is die to ourselves and be born in Him! Choose his nature over our own sin nature. It's not easy because we struggle daily with our flesh but we have one thing...Forgiveness. We can do it if we put our minds to it. Be ye Holy for I am Holy!

1 Corinthians 15:49 And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven.

4. Christians should do good to please God.
Who rightly cares what man thinks of You! I don't, I only care what God thinks of me. Hed love me even though I dressed like a FREAK and my hair was blue! You know when you stop bowing to the will of man and seeking the will of God things will change drastically for you.

REMEMBER if the Devil can't steal your joy he can't get your goods!

Hebrews 13:16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

 5.  Don't expect to be liked.
Hey the world hated him first! Why should you be so lucky??? Just remember the most important thing here is to belong to God, not man, what can man offer you? Misery? Loneliness, broken hearts? The LORD offers you Love, Happiness and Life eternal!

John 15:18-19 If the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

6. Be Doers of the Word.
Make it a guide book to living, a "How To" book for your new found life style! Study it, live it, share it with everyone. The bible is full of helpful tidbits on how to get through this life.
 James 1:21-22
Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implant word, which is able to save your souls. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.

7.  Our Characters should be above reproach.
Start cleaning out that closet, you don't need anything in there besides a broom and dust pan. Confess your sins to one another and forgive yourself your sins because God has the moment you ask for forgiveness. And remember not to fall into the trap of the devil, who will try and remind you of your sins even though our Father has forgiven them.

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

8. Be proud of being a Christian!
Blab it baby! The world needs to know! Scream it! Sing it! Paint it on your car! Wear your t-shirt, Advertise for Christ! "WE WILL NOT BE UNDER-SOULED!!!"
If people can cuss in public, you can Praise the Lord in public too!!!

Matthew 10:33 But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.

9. Love the UNLOVEABLE
Yeah the hardest one...love those who would rather punch your day lights out. Love those who smell so bad your nose hairs burn off, Love those who aren't in your "circle" of friends.  Jesus loved them all, even when they killed him; he still loved them enough to ask God to forgive them! Now that is love! (I struggle hard with this one!)

Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, LOVE your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you

10.  Do what is right in God's eyes.
You don't need to follow the crowd...go and do it the right way, Gods way! Stay on that Narrow Path! It's difficult but the rewards are many and you know what its fun! Don't think that just because youre a Christian that you ought to run out and by the first pair of wooden underwear you come across, no way! Its just the opposite, laugh, have fun and revel in Christ!

Matthew 7:14 Narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

...I'll be sending out them termites for them gungies soon!

Its time to plug into the cross and time to start growing up. We cant sit in the pews forever; they are getting to small for us! We have to grow up! Get up and do something productive. God wants you, are you ready to answer that call? Besides, Lemon Sucking is just too bitter to keep up. Bitterness rots the soul, let it go and let God do a healing work inside you.


Welcome to my blog! Today I'm going to step on RACIST toes! Yep, this "PINK" chick is going to call out EVERYONE of COLOUR! So as usual, my blog, my thoughts, blah blah blah disclaimer. Feel free to argue if you like, but I'm right and you're wrong.


I have a beautiful little girl. She's 9 years old right now. My little girl however is very VERY pale. Compared to her classmates, she is Casper the friendly ghost pale. I mention this because we are HALF Native Canadians. Red Indians for those who don't recognize the term. In my salutations, you saw I refereed to myself as "pink", that's because I'm half red and half white, which in the grand wheel of colour makes pink. In reality, I'm beige. 

Anywho, a few weeks back a "black" kid in her class called her a "stupid white girl". Thus my 9yrs first introduction to racism.  Bet you thought us being on the "white" end of the spectrum would have initiated the racism. Nope. Weren't me.

So, my daughter was pretty much hurt and sad because of her peers comments, so I thought it was time to introduce my daughter to the...



First off folks, I do not believe in any way shape or form that there are different races. I believe that everyone on the planet is ONE race of people, but DIFFERENT Cultures. Race infers evolution. That different races of people evolved at different rates is ridiculous. I firmly believe that we all come from 2 people *Adam and Eve and then from the family line of Noah. 

The only physical difference between me and a native born "black" African person is the amount of Melanin in our skin.

I googled these definitions for all of you:

"The actual skin color of different humans is affected by many substances, although the single most important substance is the pigment melanin. Melanin is produced within the skin in cells called melanocytes and it is the main determinant of the skin color of darker-skinned humans."
 "Melanin: The pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color. Dark-skinned people have more melanin in their skin than light-skinned people have. Melanin is produced by cells called melanocytes."

 Check this Pantone Chart out (click the picture to leave this page and go to the original website) : 


This doesn't cover ALL skin types, just the most common. It leaves out Albinos and Melanism. Albinos happen when there is a little to no melanin in the skin cells and Melanism is when there is alot. Most of us are somewhere on that chart. 

If you go to Wikipedia, you will find a very long drawn out evolution laden explanation of how we evolved and separate and spread out and separate and branched and banana eating monkeys and more branching and so it's just so confusing... and bully pucky on top of it.

But we didn't. See, the very first (and only) creature to have crawled out of the magically mud puddle that doesn't exist must have held in it's body the blue prints for EVERY living thing on the planet. Evolutionist never address this point. When "it" crawled out of the puddle, did it crawl into a lush green environment? Where did those plants come from? Did it crawl out into a barren wasteland and then fart a seed or two out? And then how did we get here from that single creature? And then, at what intervals did we evolve? Which race came first? The White Chickens or the Black Chickens?

IF we evolved at different times, then logic would dictate that we would be physiologically different but we are not. We all share one of 4 blood types A, B, O, AB. 

We all have similar morphology.  2 eyes, 2 Ears, 1 Nose, 1 Mouth... you get the picture right? I don't need to sing you "Head and shoulders"?




BLACK PARENTS GIVE BIRTH TO WHITE BABY: When Angela Ihegboro first saw her newborn daughter, she was “speechless.”

“She’s a miracle baby,” the 35-year-old mother said yesterday. “But still, what on Earth happened here?”

What happened is that baby Nmachi is a blond, blue-eyed white baby born to two black Nigerian immigrant parents at a London hospital.

“The first thing I said was, ‘What the flip?’ ” said the father, Ben Ihegboro. “We both just sat there after the birth staring at her for ages — not saying anything.”
He quickly sought to dispel any speculation.
“Of course she is mine. My wife is true to me,” the 44-year-old customer service adviser said. “Even if she hadn’t been, the baby still wouldn’t look like that.”
Genetics experts don’t believe in miracles, but they didn’t have any simple answers to the mystery of baby Nmachi. Instead, they offered three theories:
  • She’s the result of a gene mutation unique to her. If that is the case, Nmachi would pass the gene to her children — and they, too, would likely be white.
  • She’s the product of long-dormant white genes, passed on to her by her parents, that might have been carried by their predecessors for generations without surfacing until now.
  • While doctors have said Nmachi is not an outright albino, or lacking in all pigment, they added that the child may have some kind of mutated version of the genetic condition — and that her skin could darken over time.

Catherine and Richard Howarth were convinced they'd been given the wrong child by mistake - their newborn baby boy was white and not dark-skinned as they'd expected. It's an unusual story - but it's not the first time that it's happened. How does this sort of thing occur and why?

His mother probably had a white ancestor

The baby's father Richard is white, but mum Catherine has dark skin from her Nigerian heritage. Genes from one of her ancestors may have lain dormant for generations - until randomly thrown together in the new baby, they brought out traits that had been latent for so long. This is what's known as a genetic/evolutionary throwback, or atavism.



These two teenage girls are twins - they just don't look like it.

Lucy, Aylmer, with white skin and straight ginger hair, and Maria Aylmer, with her thick curly hair and darker skin, were both born in January 1997.

So in school, classmates had no trouble telling them apart.

Thanks to a rare scientific quirk resulting from their mother and father's mixed-race pairing, they were both born with different coloured skin.

Their mum Donna is half Jamaican while father Vince is white.
But when they heard they were having twins, they could never have guessed that they would produce twins looking so different from each other.


Combinations of genes thrown up everytime a baby is born means that children, mixed-race or not  can be anywhere on a spectrum between its two parents.

The genes that control the amount of melanin in someone's skin operate under "incomplete dominance" which means no specific trait over-rules the others. All of the variant gene traits are completely expressed, and visually this will mean a mixed-race child's skintone will be a visual mix of its parents.

This chart shows how that works with two parents with three white-skin alleles (gene traits), and three black-skin alleles. The use of six gene traits is just an example to show how the mixing can produce many different combinations.

Very few people are 100% black or 100% white

The chart also shows that few people are 100% white-skinned or 100% dark-skinned. The vast majority of people fall on the spectrum in between. But though geneticists understand skin colour that way - it's not how society views skin colour. Socially we tend to put people in much simpler categories: black or white or brown. That means we find it hard to understand natural genetic variation. Throughout history it has been used to justify wars and inequality.

Here's a sad story:

The black woman - with white parents

Sandra Laing was born black, but to white parents. It would have been strange anywhere - but in apartheid South Africa it was disastrous. Long before science learned to meddle with genes, there was Sandra Laing. She entered the world in 1955, a beautiful baby by all accounts, who could be expected to grow up in a close-knit family amid mines of gold and forests of pine. At the first sight of Sandra no one, not the nurse, her mother, father or neighbours would admit the obvious. Nature had played a trick. Abraham and Sannie Laing were white, their parents, grandparents and great grandparents were white, yet their daughter was dark. By a biological quirk, the pigment of an unknown black ancestor had lain dormant for generations and manifested in Sandra. Genetic throwbacks were not unheard of but if there was ever a wrong place and wrong time for this phenomenon, it was apartheid South Africa.
Her life is an extraordinary tale of a search for identity in a system built on race and prejudice, where home, school, job and sex life was demarcated by skin colour. Born to a conservative Afrikaner family, Sandra's fate was to not be what she was supposed to be....................To read the rest of her story click: HERE

Culture is NOT RACE  

 CULTURE as defined in the dictionary is:
The sum of attitudes, customs, and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. Culture is transmitted, through language, material objects, ritual, institutions, and art, from one generation to the next.

Funny, skin colour isn't mention in there. But groups of people are. Defining one's culture nowadays is kind of hard with all this multiculturalism. We've blended so many different rituals, arts, ways of thinking into one big mess and then try to draw from it something distinct. 

Here in Canada, I can honestly say that finding something uniquely Canadian is difficult.  Off hand, other than saying "sorry" profusely I can't think of anything. If you can, drop us a comment. Most of the things that you would assume are distinctly Canadian have their roots in Europe. As most of Canada was founded by Europeans. I know in my family of origin I have a huge mess going on. There is on one half of my family tree Indians and Scottsmen and the other is Indians and Germans! Lots of fur and plaid. 

Live Science has a really great article on Culture that I will let you read by clicking the underlined words in this sentence ;0).

For giggles:

FIRST NATIONS/INDIANS:  One tradition would be smudging. That is the burning of tobacco or sage to cleanse the body, mind and spirit. Tobacco is sacred to Indians. It was a gift from the Creator.

CHINESE: Latern Festival


GERMAN: Oktoberfest! 

AFRICAIAN: Art, music, and oral literature serve to reinforce existing religious and social patterns.

THIS is what makes us DIFFERENT. What we do, what we eat, where we live, art, music, festivals, celebrations. These are to be celebrated. Skin colour not so much.  

But of course in today's over sensitive, "I'm a victim" world, we have to minimize all the good things that make us different and try to stuff us all that we are into simple categories: SKIN & GENDER -

Funny, I thought those days ended. But nope, those annoying feminist/liberals are still at it trying to swat down all those white, Anglo-saxon, protestant males for being to rich, to white, and to powerful.

I heard Lauren Southern speak about this earlier today and thought I'd share with you her YouTube video. It really drives home the point that we are not categories, that we are people who are different on the surface but are very much the same underneath it all.

It's about 6mins. You've come this far... what's 6 mins more.

So here's the POINT:

Skin colour doesn't mean a dadgum thing. Attitude and Character does. If you think just because you are blonde hair, blue eyed, white guy/girl life is going to be peachy, think again. You don't get free pass in life. Hard work takes you places. If your brown hair, brown eyes and brown skin thinking the world isn't meant for you, think again. Hard work and perseverance will go a long, LONG way! Don't fall into the trap that you are what your skin dictates, or who you have sex with, or what gender you are.

Proverbs 24:32-34New International Version (NIV)

32 I applied my heart to what I observed

    and learned a lesson from what I saw:

33 A little sleep, a little slumber,

    a little folding of the hands to rest—

34 and poverty will come on you like a thief

    and scarcity like an armed man.

You are more than the sum of your parts. You are a image bearer of the most loving creator YHWH. You are made in the image of God. We are ONE RACE, ONE BLOOD, DIFFERENT CULTURES.

Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.


Take the time today to really ponder your how you view the world. Are you adding to the chaos or are you really out there to invoke change. Change can only come when WE THE PEOPLE stop being jerks to everyone and start walking that love walk like Jesus Christ did. If we start to live our lives in the light of Christs love for our fellow man, do you realize the impact we would make? We really could end all wars and there wouldn't be any poor among us. 

Race is bull.  Unity is what God Designed.
