Thursday, May 14, 2015


WELCOME TO MY BLOG!!! If you been here before you know how I write. If you haven't, prepared to get your panties in a bunch. I'm not going to sugar coat nuttin' hunny. This is my blog and my opinions. Which of course do not reflect those of the participants or my church or my friends. Finally, something of my own! WOOT! Anywho, strap yourselves down and lets talk about the pink elephant in the room FEMINISM and the war on Masculinity!


Isaiah 3:12 O My people! Their oppressors are children, And women rule over them. O My people! Those who guide you lead you astray And confuse the direction of your paths.

Why do we insist on allowing FEMINIST to rule our world??? 

There is a HUGE difference between Women's Rights and Feminism. 

Women's Rights is just that, our rights to equal pay for equal work. Health care, social status etc.

Feminism is of course the extreme left liberal ideology.  It started out as equality, now it's warped and morphed into total destruction of anything masculine - especially men.

Ever notice that it's the feminazi who are pushing this lgbt nonsense. Some of the greatest supporters are high profile liberal women. Frankly, I'll  say it, they don't want men in this world. They want girly boys. They want to eradicate ever scent of a man. The don't want equality, they want to dominate!

As Godly women, our role is not to take over the world and emasculate men in our wake... NO!  Our role is to serve BESIDE our men in whatever capacity we can.

Historically, many women have held power positions and lead their people in positive ways along side men. But there are some women that when they got power, it went to their heads and the wisdom left. 

Lets look at some cool GODLY chicks in the bible who showed what it truly means to have POWER and WISDOM in a "mans world".

The Wise Woman of Abel Beth Maakah

The story of the unnamed wise woman is found in 2 Samuel 20. This woman stopped her whole town from being slaughtered by Joab's army!  Joab was on the hunt for Sheba son of Bikri, who had taken up hiding in the town of this wise woman. While the city was being surrounded the wise woman called out for Joab and he answered her. In her Godly wisdom, she calmed the steathing Joab and produced the head of the man Sheba, the trouble maker.

Why did Joab listen to this mere woman to begin? Who was she to him? A nobody by all accounts, but a wise woman knows how to speak to an angry man. She knew just what to say to save herself and her people, and her people respected her wisdom and followed her guidance.


Judges 4-5 tells how Deborah became the only woman to be a judge, or tribal ruler, during the time before the Israelites had kings. Deborah was known as a woman of great wisdom and spiritual depth whose decisions were guided by her ability as a prophetess, that is, someone who contemplates God and discerns instructions from such meditations. And talk about strong women in the Bible! Deborah went into battle to help the Israelites throw off an oppressive Canaanite ruler. In a reversal of the typical Old Testament marital record, we know that Deborah was married to a man named Lappidoth, but we have no other details about their marriage.


The Book of Ruth is even more exciting than Tamar's story, for Ruth shows how women used kinship ties for survival. Her story actually tells of two strong women in the Bible: Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi.

Ruth was from Moab, a land adjacent to Israel. She married a son of Naomi and her husband, Elimelech who went to Moab when there was famine in Israel. Elimelech and his sons died, leaving Ruth, Naomi and another daughter-in-law, Orpah, widowed. Naomi decided to return to Israel and told her daughters-in-law to go back to their fathers. Orpah left weeping, but Ruth steadfastly remained, uttering some of the Bible's most famous words: "Where you go I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God" (Ruth 1:16).
Once they returned to Israel, Ruth and Naomi came to the attention of Boaz, a distant relative of Naomi's and a rich landowner. Boaz was kind to Ruth when she came to glean his field to get food for Naomi, because he had heard of Ruth's loyalty to her mother-in-law. Learning of this, Naomi instructed Ruth to wash and dress, and to go in to offer herself to Boaz in hopes of marriage. Boaz refused Ruth's offer of sex, but he agreed to marry her if another relative, closer in lineage to Naomi, refused. Eventually Ruth and Boaz married and had children including Obed, who grew up to father Jesse, the father of David.

Ruth's story shows how much family ties and loyalty were prized by the ancient Israelites. Ruth's character also shows that foreigners could be assimilated successfully into Israelite families and become valued members of their society.

NOW... Let's flip the coin to the power hungry Bad women in the Bible

Jezebel 1 Kings 16

Jezebel was a Phoenician princess in the 9th century who married Ahab, the prince of Israel. Eventually, they ruled as king and queen. Jezebel continued worship the nature god Baal. Her citizens and the prophet Elijah despised such actions. 

Her citizens' displeasure came to a critical point when, at their expense, she brought 800 Baal prophets to Israel and ordered the murder of several Yahweh prophets. At this major moment, Elijah, a Jewish prophet, appeared. Elijah gave a prophecy: That terrible drought would come upon Israel. Amazingly, famine spread across Jezebel's land, according to the story.
Preparing herself to be murdered by General Jehu, she applied makeup and dressed in finery before she was thrown over her balcony and eaten by dogs.

Some believe she typifies evil. Others believe that Jezebel was one of the first suffragists. Can you believe that? She was as rotten at they get and people still think she was some sort of victim!

Delilah Judges 16

A seductress if ever there was one. Delilah was loved by the strongman Samson. She was approached by the powerful Philistine lords who ordered her to help them find out why he was so strong. She tired several times to wheedled the secret of his strength from Samson, but each time he evaded her questions and lied to her. But, one day, through tears of manipulation, she manage to pull the truth out of Samson, subsequently betraying him and leading him to being captured, tortured by the Philistines.

There's a bunch more, I'll post a link at the bottom of the page.

Here's my point, The wise woman of Abel, Deborah & Ruth showed great CHARACTER. Each story so vastly different but all showed godly wisdom, patience, self control, strength and Femininity, all while remaining in the roles that God put them in. They didn't seek power or authority, they received it through wisdom. These are women we need to be looking up too. 

WHY is it that we rather glorify the evilness in this world. Why do we women live by such unholy standards. We allow our wishy washy feelings to dictate our lives. It's not good to live by the tides of hormonal changing feelings.



 More and more I'm seeing a double standard in the world we live in, I despise double standards.

For example, a man loses his job for saying something completely stupid and ignorant on live tv. However the event that the man is at has nothing doing with his job, but still, he loses it. Now if a woman were to say something lewd and crude in the same context, she's be getting patted on the back for sticking it to men everywhere. A woman can say almost anything by virtue of her womanhood and get away with almost anything! A man is tarred and feathered. 

Liberal extreme Feminism is a DISEASE to womanhood!

Lets go with Abortion... a "woman's right to choose" but a man isn't allowed any input. What if Daddy wants a baby and is willing to raise them alone? Should he not be allowed this privilege?

I could go on and on about women trying to boldly go where no woman has gone before, and yes they try their hardest to bend all the rules to get further in this man's world, but please don't forget, not all of us want to be men. 

I want to affirm women everywhere: 

There is nothing wrong with women being women and doing women things. 

60-70 years ago, when the world was some what sane, things were great. Women did women things and men did men things and the world was somewhat normal and Canada was prospering and then... the rotten 60's showed up with this over sexed weird drug induced hysteria over what roles people should play... 

How about WOMEN play the role that God intended for us. If you're a biological woman, be a woman! Seriously with Jesus by your side, you don't have to make it in a man's world especially when you make the WORLD, GOD'S! That's the key ladies! Put God first in all you do and watch how fast this fallen man's world accommodates you. Yes you can still play sports, be a police officer, be a CEO... but PUT GOD FIRST and see what true success can and does look like from His perspective. Aren't you tired of fighting?


I'll tell you what we need... we need less feminism and more JESUS. That's right... We need A MAN to navigate WITH US through this man's world. If we use more wisdom with the Help of the Holy Spirit, just imagine what you could possibly accomplished in your life. You do not ever have to compete with a man for anything when you put God first. He knows what is best for you and you won't have to give up anything because you would be more than willing to take God's best for you.

Some great verses:

Proverbs 14:1 ESV 

The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life. She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar. ...

Proverbs 1:7 ESV 

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.

But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Hebrews 13:5 ESV / 

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Titus 2:3-5 ESV / 

Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.


 In the end the choice is up to you. You can cat scratch, scream and cry your way through your life fighting the feminist fight OR you can follow Jesus and let Him lead you on the path that He wants for you. It may not be what you expected, but I tell you what, it will be 100x more satisfying then anything you could do under your own steam. 

STOP THE WAR ON MEN AND MASCULINITY and Embrace the life that Jesus wants for you! You were born a woman, be the woman that God has intended you to be. You are after all, Fearfully and Wonderfully made by a loving God! 

If we honour our men in the way we honour Jesus, watch the turn around. Watch how fast a Godly man will lead us all, and walk the upright path.

Just thinking out loud...