Thursday, May 14, 2015


Welcome to my blog! I posted this on the wrong blog! IKR! I have so many to keep straight. This one ought to have come here but ended up in my Until Tomorrow, Canada blog.... Anywho, the number one problem with "Falling" in love is that sooner or later you hit rock bottom. As Edgar Allen Poes Raven said, "NEVER MORE". Friends, I think it's time to address this love issue...


The Key: Love

Ah! *sigh* L’amour! Oh Love…how sweet it is. Just the word alone brings the warm fuzzies all over, doesn’t it?

The Bible mentions the word “Love” 310 times! That’s a whole bunch of lovin’ going on! But really what does it mean? I love cookies but I’m not bringing them home to meet my mom and dad. My Dad would eat them and probably wouldn’t share either.

I love my daughter...she is my everything...

I loved my cat Seti. He was my best fuzzy buddy. We were together for 17 years. Small, fat and grey. But oh what a jolly feline he was! He’s passed away 3 yrs ago Feb 2...but I still love him and miss him...

I love so many things, shoes, purses, cars. I’m eyeballing the Ford Flex right now. There’s just something about that car! Mmm hmmm…

 Yeah…um…back to reality… Most couples say they are marrying because they love their fiancĂ©, but what is love? In our educated western society, love has changed. It really doesn’t mean what it used to.

We've exchanged the truth of love for a squishy feeling that means absolutely nothing if sincerity is not behind it. Heck we have taken the word love and applied it to places it need not be. It has literally become a foolish word in the English language.

 The Biblical Concept of Love

Let’s look up a few scriptures first for reference sake and not all 310 of them, we’ll settle for about 17.  To understand anything we must start to build on a solid foundation and with Love, the best book ever written on the subject is God’s word. I used the New King James for these particular scriptures.

Love Scriptures

Proverbs 17:17a: A friend loves at all times…

Matt 6:24: No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.

Matt 22: 37-39 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as yourself. 

Luke 6:27 …Love your enemies…

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

Romans 13:8, 10 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves one another has fulfilled the law. 10 Love does no harm to a neighbour therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

1Cor 8:1b …Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.

Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Gal 5:13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

Gal 6:2            Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Eph 4:2 With all lowliness and gentleness with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love.

Eph 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.

Eph 5:25 Husbands love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.

Titus 2:4 …that they admonish the young women to love their husbands to love their children.

1 Peter 4:8 And above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.”

1 John 3:16-18 By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? My little children let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and truth.

That there was a lot of typing! See how much I "loved" you; I typed it all out so you could just keep on reading! But you’re not off the hook by any stretch of your wild imaginations.

Now 1Cor 13:4-7 gives the Bible’s DEFINITION of love. These verses indicate that love consists of many elements. We are now going to examine what are some characteristics of love?

♥Love suffers long-endures offense, is not hasty, waits for the LORD to right all wrong.

♥Love is Kind – not inconsiderate, seeks to help, is constructive, blesses when cursed, helps when hurt, and demonstrates tenderness.

♥Love is not envious but content – is not jealous of another person’s success or competes.

♥Love is not arrogant, but humble – is not haughty but lowly and gracious.

♥Love is not boastful, but reserved – does not show off, try to impress, want to be the centre of attraction.

♥Love is not rude, but courteous

♥Love is not selfish, but self-forgetful

♥Love is not irritable, but good tempered

♥Love is not vindictive or wrathful, but generous

♥Love does not delight in bringing another person’s sins to light, but rejoices when another person obeys the truth.

♥Love is not rebellious, but brave conceals rather than exposes another person’s wrong doing to others.

♥Love is not suspicious but trustful, not cynical, makes every allowance, and looks for an explanation that will show the best in others.

♥Love is not despondent, but hopeful, does not give up because it has been deceived or denied.

♥Love is not conquerable, but invincible – it can outlast any problem.

Do you recognize any of these in yourself? Do you see how LOVE is NOT a feeling...

Types of Love

In the English language LOVE means many things. But in the Bible, love is actually three different Greek words. EROS, PHILIA, AGAPE.

Eros is the love that seeks sensual expression. Eros is a romantic love, sexual love. It is inspired by the biological structure of the human nature. In a good marriage, a husband and wife will eros each other romantically and erotically.

Philia is Friendship. Friendship means companionship, communication, and cooperation. If you are considering marriage, might I suggest building your relationship on this particular Philia foundation.

Agape is self-giving love, gift of love, unconditional love, the love that goes on loving even when others become unlovable. Agape love is not just something that happens to you; it’s something you make happen. It’s a choice. Love is a personal act of commitment. Jesus’ love is that gift. It is being sympathetic, thoughtful, and sensitive to the needs of your loved one. Agape is contentment and forgiving.

You Are Loved!

Jesus’ love for us is a sacrificial love, an eternal love.

Can you imagine if individuals would put forth an effort on purpose to increase the Philia (Friendship) and Agape (Unconditional) love, all three types of love would increase and enhance and enrich in this earth. The agape love alone can increase and enhance in others. But all three must be given conscious concise effort.

Looking back on the scriptures I wrote out for you, do you see any common threads? A lot of what I read was reiterate the fact that Love is an action. It’s not merely hubby on the couch shouting to the wife who’s up to her ears in dirty dishes “I love you hunny”. No, it’s hubby getting up and giving her a hand and putting an actual effort into helping her. Lord knows, that's part of my idea man right there!

When God formed man, He did so for one reason, Family. God wanted a family. He wanted people to love and have them freely love Him right back. 

Out of Love, God from the beginning of time planned to have His only Son Jesus die for us. Jesus didn’t have to die for us. He could have simply said no and went on his merry way, but instead, He came to earth, humbled Himself by becoming one of us and lived a less then glamorous life ending with His INNOCENT UNWARRANTED death on the cross.

I saw a bumper sticker once; it said “What? Are you allergic to love” and the picture on it was of a crucified Christ.

In light of all we have discovered thus far, I want to add one more item to this mix…

Self love

Now I’m not talking conceit here, like you are “all that and a bag of cookies”, I’m talking about loving yourself, respecting yourself, respecting the person God created you to be. If you cannot love yourself, you can’t love anyone. In this day and age, all you see is the world’s view of love and it's all about personal gratification.

Somehow, we managed to take God out of love and put sex in His place. It’s just not right. Sex and Love are two different animals. And right now we aren’t going to feed one of them. Let me scream this at you...SEX IS NOT LOVE!!!! For heaven's sake! STOP MIXING THE TWO UP!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!!

I want you to focus on you as the Masterpiece of God…You, who from the beginning of time was so loved by God that He made His plan and included you in the fine details. You are worth the blood that Jesus shed on Calvary. Jesus loves you, I love you in Jesus, and you MUST – NEED to start loving yourself. You’re a good person. I can feel it. Close your eyes for a moment…think about what TRUE LOVE IS…When you open them again think about Jesus and look through the eyes of Love…Love sees the finished worked.  Love sees through the "I" and the self loathing...Love is Christ crucified for you.

Next to Self Love is LOVE FOR OTHERS!

Love For Others

Did you know that by showing Love you are showing yourself a true disciple of Jesus! As Christians; if you step out and show compassion on people, even the ones you want to hand a bar of soap to, you are showing the world that you are different, that you want to be different. Remember what I said earlier on, love is actually unnatural to us because we are such an egocentric society.

Prove the world wrong! What’s that old saying “Actions speak louder than words.” It’s true.

Love is the world changer. When Jesus showed us how much He loved us when He gave up His life on the cross, it forever changed the course of the world! Love Changes Circumstances! Love needs to be lived out. It’s not happy unless it’s spread abroad. Pass it around!

Love will take advantage of just about every situation because it comes from God.

Love changed me…I was a sinner who is now redeemed and saved by Grace through Jesus!

The First Next Step

My favourite band is Petra. I was heartbroken when they retired. They have this one song that speaks volumes to me. From their 1998 album God Fixation, ‘If I had to die for someone’….the course and last verse are speaking of Love and the Love of Jesus:

I don’t know if I could even if I think I would, if I had to die for someone if I had to die for someone else, how could ever give my life to set the guilty free, when I cannot image if I had to die for someone else like me…

And I am glad that you are not all like me, cuz you laid down your life and did it willingly, it still amazes me to know, it’s me that you were thinking of no one else could have a greater Love!

Love boils down to one word “sacrifice.” You have to give up something to get it. Jesus gave His life, what are you willing to give? How about that pity? That’s a good trade off.

If Loving God and loving your neighbours are the greatest commandments, what actions are motivating us to love? In this world, love is very much unnatural. Love is something we have to consciously work towards. It’s so much easier to be “I” centered then to put someone before ourselves. Human nature is just so dang annoying! It’s practically opposite of God!

 If you want that closer walk with the LORD then that fleshly nature needs to die so that your spiritual nature can rise up in its place. Understand that Jesus does love you. Understand that you are now and forever a Child of the Most High God! It’s time to stop putting yourself down. You are a Masterpiece, fashioned by God’s own hand. You are loved my friend. You are blessed and highly favoured! AMEN! 


CHOOSE TO LOVE...CHOSE WHO TO LOVE! Don't listen to your heart, it LIES...listen to yourself and choose the right road. Don't FALL in love, WALK in Love! Go in with your eyes open! And remember the golden rule... DO UNTO OTHERS, AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU! That there my friend sums up this whole chapter into one line...