Ephesians 6:12 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
12 This
is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling
with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness,
and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world. This seems to be a recurring theme for me this past month. I hear it over and over and over, so I am guessing that God is trying to get something through to me!
We as Christians spend a lot of time fighting our people. Heck, my favourite quote "Christians kill their wounded". I see it all the time! Catholics hating on the Protestants. Christians crapping on another branch because they teach something different from what they believe.
I am guilty of this. I would call myself Full Gospel Non-Denominational but I really do not agree with a lot of the teachings that come from the Baptist branch. Their theology is not what I see in the bible...
I listen to a variety of preachers, I really don't care what camp they are sitting in, as long as Jesus is their Lord and Saviour, then I want to know what they know. I take what I learn and I measure it against Holy Scripture! If it doesn't line up, it's discarded. I listen to Rabbi's, Priest, Pastors - how am I to learn if I don't listen!
Now, I keep seeing all over the place people slandering big name preachers. Everyone from Billy Graham to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland to Joyce Meyers to Dr. Tony Evans. I hear so many slanderous things it's hard to believe it comes from other Christians. I understand non-Christians talking like that,but I never understood why other Christians run their mouths about fellow believers.
So what if someone is Catholic? If their Saviour is Jesus, what's that to you? Where is the UNITY that is suppose to be in Christ?
So what if someone is a Faith Healer? They are believing for someone to be healed! IT IS WRITTEN! So why should people not be healed? Sure there are fakers, but guess what, God sees them...
So what if someone is Word of Faith? If they want to blab it and grab it, what does it concern you?If they have found scripture to stand on, it's up to God to deal with them, not you. You can stay poor your whole life for anyone cares, if these people are believing for million dollars that's none of your business.
So what if someone is Baptist? They can pick the parts of the Bible that they are comfortable with!
MOCKING another believer is division in the ranks and wrong! It is not up to you to tell anyone HOW they should believe Jesus! If someone has faith enough to stand against Cancer, shut your face against their healing! How is it your job to discourage their faith? Why would you allow the enemy to use you to steal someone's faith and healing! That right there is just sick. Just because you don't believe doesn't stop them!
But what if they die? Then they are dead. It doesn't mean anything to you. People die. Maybe it's to save them from a worse fate. What if they stay in that wheel chair? Is it going to stop them from praising God? No? Paul allowed his thorn in the flesh to remain! He had the power and God given authority to be done with it, but he allowed it to remain!
See the bull crap some Christians do doesn't stop there. It bleeds out into our everyday lives and church. How many of you can honestly say that you do not gossip??? I stopped going to women's groups because it became an all out gossip session and I have no room in life for anyone else's business but my own! You aren't doing sister so and so any favours by talking behind her back and you need to repent for gossiping too! God sees you. Your not fooling anyone but you.
I know a lot of I will call them militant Christians who are more concerned with hurting hearts then speaking truth. Let's roll down to the LGBT side of town for a moment.
GOD LOVES ALL LGBTQetc. HE LOVES THEM, HE WANTS THEM TO BE APART OF HIS FAMILY! HE DOES NOT WANT A SINGLE LGBTQ TO GO TO HELL! He just doesn't approve of their sin. It's the SIN God hates, not the physical person. That is why we are to address the sin, in love. I tell you what, I really don't care if someone is LGBT, if they Love Jesus, Jesus will fix whatever hurt their heart is harbouring and bring them into right standing with Him. My job here on earth is not to force repentance but to spread the LOVE of JESUS and tell the world there is a better way!
ABORTION... Folks, abortion is a deadly sin! How do we love someone who willingly kills their child? The same way God willing loves you when you sin. Abortion is a sin just AS BAD as lying, stealing, cheating, murder, adultery, homosexuality... it's all sin, none is greater than the other. I would imagine that they typical woman going for an abortion isn't a sadistic killer. She is probably someone who has found her way into what she thinks is a no win situation and can't see herself out of it. She probably has been taught and believes that she isn't carrying life and that "thing" inside her will make her life even worse than it already is. THE DEVIL IS LYING TO HER!!! BIND THAT DEVIL IN JESUS NAME!!!
We, as the Body of Christ need to come together and instead of warring against the flesh, we need to take authority over the spirits that motivate people to do wrong.
Here is something I have learned, people sin because they are lead to it. The devil leads the way and we humans stupidly follow him and it always leads us to a world of hurt. See the HUGE difference between human sinning and the devils sin, we have a tempter, the devil fell on his own.
The devil is a dirty fighter. He will hit you with every thing he can to tempt you into a sin. He revels in the flesh and the things of the flesh especially the pleasures of flesh. Notice how a lot of the things that tempt us are things like sex, food, power. When were you tempted last to do something good???
You see it all the time. People using sex to hold something over someone. Like those hollywood elites, who use sex to take advantage of some up and coming actor/ress. It's all power and control. The things that people desire most. Hollyweird is full of the most depraved minds in the world...
Satan doesn't have any spiritual weapons to come against you. That is why this scripture we are camping on is vital to overcoming! We can not fight the devil with weapons he is familiar with, we need to bring in the BIG GUNS. We need to fight with the POWER OF GOD against these evil forces that are surrounding us.
Stop worrying about irrelevant things, start worrying about things that are important like HOW TO STOP THE DEVIL IN HIS TRACKS!
Time is running out, and the devil knows his days are number so he is upping his game. He knows where to hit you where it hurts. He knows how to make you stumble but he forgets that we may fall, but we have Jesus to lift us up again!
I have fallen! I have cried out to God and HE HAS SAVED ME! The devil won a small battle, but he has lost his war with me!
You must stop fighting every one else and put your laser focus where it needs to be and that is on Jesus blood which SAVES and has already DEFEATED the devil!
12 For
the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged
sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
To fight the devil, you got to stand with Jesus! Your weapons are not carnal, they are of the Spirit and they are designed to DESTROY the devil!
2 Corinthians 10 3
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.
The weapons we fight with are not the
weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to
demolish strongholds.
We demolish arguments and every
pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take
captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.
You are judging by appearances. If anyone is confident that they belong to Christ, they should consider again that we belong to Christ just as much as they do.
So even if I boast somewhat freely about
the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than tearing
you down, I will not be ashamed of it.
The infighting needs to stop. The fighting with brothers and sisters needs to stop. The fighting with other people not of the faith needs to stop. THE BATTLE IS IN THE SPIRIT and the only way to win is to remain firm in our faith and fight the battle they way Jesus did. Not uttering a word in our defense but allowing Holy Scripture to fight for us. GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY!!!
Prayer unlocks great things and scripture gives us power! The more we jump into the water with Jesus, they stronger we will be able to come to resist the devil.
Read the Bible folks, the devil is already defeated! He has no power except what you allow for him! Bind him and leave him bound! He has no right to operate in the life of a believer.
When we wage these wars in the Spirit, you may never see on this side of eternity how much damage has been done to the devil and his angels, but remember this, there are over a TRILLION angels in the spirit realm who are kicking butt and taking names every time you come against the devil and the principalities and powers and spiritual forces of wickedness in earth! UNDERSTAND how powerful your prayers are!
Make it a point to stand firm on God's Word everyday and pray hard for your community! You may not be a big name preacher, but the town you live in is YOUR mission field and it is up to you to cover it in prayer daily! You are a life changer when you pray for your community. The only way to overcome anything is by praying UNITY into the Church. We are suppose to be one body! We have a right to pray unity! We are one vine with off shoots and guess what, Word of Faith, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, people will all be in heaven if their Faith and Belief is in Jesus!
Our Leaders: 1 Tim 2:1-4, 2Chron 7:14:15
pray for salvation, wisdom and righteous decisions and servant hood
Churches: 2Cor 1:21:22, Acts 5:42, Ps 108:3, I cor 12:28, 1Thess 5:23
pray God's anointing on the services, the people, the children. pray protection over the congregations, pray unity and harmony, prosperity, health....BIND STRIFE, GOSSIP AND DISCORD! LOOSE LOVE PEACE AND JOY!
Pastors: Col 4:2-6
pray protection, anointing, health, prosperity, love and peaceful homes
Community: Ps 41:1, Prov 14:21,31, Prov 19:17, Prov 22:9, prov 28:27,
pray salvation to come to the people, pray that their eyes would be open to Jesus, pray that they would come to know Him and He would reveal himself to them. BIND them to the GOSPEL, pray that the Gospel chases them down!!!! Pray against the evilness in your community!
BIND the principalities, the powers that are evil, murder, abortion, the wickedness! You have the authority to fight the evil in your home towns! The Lord gave you your town and every place you have stepped foot! You have a right to bring God to town!!!!
As my favourite white haired preacher sez "Do not judge Christianity by Christians - Judge Christianity by Jesus Christ!"