Thursday, April 30, 2020


Disclaimer... if you don't know by now, you never will... my blog, my opinion...your blog, your opinion.

Ephesians 6:12 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
12 This is not a wrestling match against a human opponent. We are wrestling with rulers, authorities, the powers who govern this world of darkness, and spiritual forces that control evil in the heavenly world.

This seems to be a recurring theme for me this past month. I hear it over and over and over, so I am guessing that God is trying to get something through to me!

We as Christians spend a lot of time fighting our people. Heck, my favourite quote "Christians kill their wounded". I see it all the time! Catholics hating on the Protestants. Christians crapping on another branch because they teach something different from what they believe.

I am guilty of this. I would call myself Full Gospel Non-Denominational but I really do not agree with a lot of the teachings that come from the Baptist branch. Their theology is not what I see in the bible...


I listen to a variety of preachers, I really don't care what camp they are sitting in, as long as Jesus is their Lord and Saviour, then I want to know what they know. I take what I learn and I measure it against Holy Scripture! If it doesn't line up, it's discarded. I listen to Rabbi's, Priest, Pastors - how am I to learn if I don't listen!

Now, I keep seeing all over the place people slandering big name preachers. Everyone from Billy Graham to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland to Joyce Meyers to Dr. Tony Evans. I hear so many slanderous things it's hard to believe it comes from other Christians. I understand non-Christians talking like that,but I never understood why other Christians run their mouths about fellow believers.

So what if someone is Catholic? If their Saviour is Jesus, what's that to you? Where is the UNITY that is suppose to be in Christ?

So what if someone is a Faith Healer? They are believing for someone to be healed! IT IS WRITTEN! So why should people not be healed? Sure there are fakers, but guess what, God sees them...

So what if someone is Word of Faith? If they want to blab it and grab it, what does it concern you?If they have found scripture to stand on, it's up to God to deal with them, not you. You can stay poor your whole life for anyone cares, if these people are believing for million dollars that's none of your business.

So what if someone is Baptist? They can pick the parts of the Bible that they are comfortable with!

MOCKING another believer is division in the ranks and wrong! It is not up to you to tell anyone HOW they should believe Jesus! If someone has faith enough to stand against Cancer, shut your face against their healing! How is it your job to discourage their faith? Why would you allow the enemy to use you to steal someone's faith and healing! That right there is just sick. Just because you don't believe doesn't stop them!

But what if they die? Then they are dead. It doesn't mean anything to you. People die. Maybe it's to save them from a worse fate. What if they stay in that wheel chair? Is it going to stop them from praising God? No? Paul allowed his thorn in the flesh to remain! He had the power and God given authority to be done with it, but he allowed it to remain!

See the bull crap some Christians do doesn't stop there. It bleeds out into our everyday lives and church. How many of you can honestly say that you do not gossip??? I stopped going to women's groups because it became an all out gossip session and I have no room in life for anyone else's business but my own! You aren't doing sister so and so any favours by talking behind her back and you need to repent for gossiping too! God sees you. Your not fooling anyone but you.

I know a lot of I will call them militant Christians who are more concerned with hurting hearts then speaking truth. Let's roll down to the LGBT side of town for a moment.

GOD LOVES ALL LGBTQetc. HE LOVES THEM, HE WANTS THEM TO BE APART OF HIS FAMILY! HE DOES NOT WANT A SINGLE LGBTQ TO GO TO HELL! He just doesn't approve of their sin. It's the SIN God hates, not the physical person. That is why we are to address the sin, in love. I tell you what, I really don't care if someone is LGBT, if they Love Jesus, Jesus will fix whatever hurt their heart is harbouring and bring them into right standing with Him. My job here on earth is not to force repentance but to spread the LOVE of JESUS and tell the world there is a better way!

ABORTION... Folks, abortion is a deadly sin! How do we love someone who willingly kills their child? The same way God willing loves you when you sin. Abortion is a sin just AS BAD as lying, stealing, cheating, murder, adultery, homosexuality... it's all sin, none is greater than the other. I would imagine that they typical woman going for an abortion isn't a sadistic killer. She is probably someone who has found her way into what she thinks is a no win situation and can't see herself out of it. She probably has been taught and believes that she isn't carrying life and that "thing" inside her will make her life even worse than it already is. THE DEVIL IS LYING TO HER!!! BIND THAT DEVIL IN JESUS NAME!!!

We, as the Body of Christ need to come together and instead of warring against the flesh, we need to take authority over the spirits that motivate people to do wrong.

Here is something I have learned, people sin because they are lead to it. The devil leads the way and we humans stupidly follow him and it always leads us to a world of hurt. See the HUGE difference between human sinning and the devils sin, we have a tempter, the devil fell on his own.

The devil is a dirty fighter. He will hit you with every thing he can to tempt you into a sin. He revels in the flesh and the things of the flesh especially the pleasures of flesh. Notice how a lot of the things that tempt us are things like sex, food, power. When were you tempted last to do something good???

You see it all the time. People using sex to hold something over someone. Like those hollywood elites, who use sex to take advantage of some up and coming actor/ress. It's all power and control. The things that people desire most. Hollyweird is full of the most depraved minds in the world...

Satan doesn't have any spiritual weapons to come against you. That is why this scripture we are camping on is vital to overcoming! We can not fight the devil with weapons he is familiar with, we need to bring in the BIG GUNS. We need to fight with the POWER OF GOD against these evil forces that are surrounding us.

Stop worrying about irrelevant things, start worrying about things that are important like HOW TO STOP THE DEVIL IN HIS TRACKS!

Time is running out, and the devil knows his days are number so he is upping his game. He knows where to hit you where it hurts. He knows how to make you stumble but he forgets that we may fall, but we have Jesus to lift us up again!

I have fallen! I have cried out to God and HE HAS SAVED ME! The devil won a small battle, but he has lost his war with me!

You must stop fighting every one else and put your laser focus where it needs to be and that is on Jesus blood which SAVES and has already DEFEATED the devil!

12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

To fight the devil, you got to stand with Jesus! Your weapons are not carnal, they are of the Spirit and they are designed to DESTROY the devil!

2 Corinthians 10 3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.
4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.
7 You are judging by appearances. If anyone is confident that they belong to Christ, they should consider again that we belong to Christ just as much as they do.
8 So even if I boast somewhat freely about the authority the Lord gave us for building you up rather than tearing you down, I will not be ashamed of it.

 The infighting needs to stop. The fighting with brothers and sisters needs to stop. The fighting with other people not of the faith needs to stop. THE BATTLE IS IN THE SPIRIT and the only way to win is to remain firm in our faith and fight the battle they way Jesus did. Not uttering a word in our defense but allowing Holy Scripture to fight for us. GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY!!!

Prayer unlocks great things and scripture gives us power! The more we jump into the water with Jesus, they stronger we will be able to come to resist the devil.

Read the Bible folks, the devil is already defeated! He has no power except what you allow for him! Bind him and leave him bound! He has no right to operate in the life of a believer.

When we wage these wars in the Spirit, you may never see on this side of eternity how much damage has been done to the devil and his angels, but remember this, there are over a TRILLION angels in the spirit realm who are kicking butt and taking names every time you come against the devil and the principalities and powers and spiritual forces of wickedness in earth! UNDERSTAND how powerful your prayers are!

Make it a point to stand firm on God's Word everyday and pray hard for your community! You may not be a big name preacher, but the town you live in is YOUR mission field and it is up to you to cover it in prayer daily! You are a life changer when you pray for your community. The only way to overcome anything is by praying UNITY into the Church. We are suppose to be one body! We have a right to pray unity! We are one vine with off shoots and guess what, Word of Faith, Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, people will all be in heaven if their Faith and Belief is in Jesus!


Our Leaders: 1 Tim 2:1-4, 2Chron 7:14:15
pray for salvation, wisdom and righteous decisions and servant hood

Churches: 2Cor 1:21:22, Acts 5:42, Ps 108:3, I cor 12:28, 1Thess 5:23
pray God's anointing on the services, the people, the children. pray protection over the congregations, pray unity and harmony, prosperity, health....BIND STRIFE, GOSSIP AND DISCORD! LOOSE LOVE PEACE AND JOY!

Pastors: Col 4:2-6
pray protection, anointing, health, prosperity, love and peaceful homes

Community: Ps 41:1, Prov 14:21,31, Prov 19:17, Prov 22:9, prov 28:27,
pray salvation to come to the people, pray that their eyes would be open to Jesus, pray that they would come to know Him and He would reveal himself to them. BIND them to the GOSPEL, pray that the Gospel chases them down!!!! Pray against the evilness in your community!
BIND the principalities, the powers that are evil, murder, abortion, the wickedness! You have the authority to fight the evil in your home towns! The Lord gave you your town and every place you have stepped foot! You have a right to bring God to town!!!!

As my favourite white haired preacher sez "Do not judge Christianity by Christians - Judge Christianity by Jesus Christ!"


Wednesday, April 29, 2020

When I am Afraid...

Disclaimer: my blog, my opinion,your opinin goes on your own blog.

Even when I am afraid, I still trust you.
Psalms 56:3 GW

A promise from God, that even when we are afraid, we still can put our whole trust 
In the Lord. 

In 2004, I faced my worst fear head on. The death of my Mother. My mom was the one person I looked up too much of my life. She was a minister and the only person I have ever met that prayed without ceasing! 

I recall many nights when I was young, I would get up and go check on her to make sure I didn't miss the rapture! If she was gone....oh boy!

My whole life was up turned the night she departed for glory, she died laughing at a tale my brother was telling her. She had dreamt the week before about dancing before God! I was no where near ready!

Near the end of my mom's life she had given up. She was tired and beaten down from her years. She wanted to go home and so she confessed death over herself and reaped the harvest of her words.

I was unaware of how sick she was, she refused to tell us her doctors report. She just went about her days, sing and praising God. Never let on to any of us. In my opinion that was dirty. Anyways, the evening of March 2, 2004, I said good night to her for the last time.

I had no clue what to do with my life. I had been at home with mom, helping to raise my brothers kids. I had no future plans laid out for me!


These two things will make your life a living nightmare and cause you to make really bad decisions. Instead of leaning on God I panicked. I made a rush decision which caused me a lot of sorrow. I can't help thinking how different my life would have been had I relied on God.

No fear exists where his love is. Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear, because fear involves punishment. The person who lives in fear doesn’t have perfect love.
1 John 4:18 GW

Had I choose to walk in God's love and promises, I bet you I would have been spared the sorrow of making a huge mistake.

We have a lot of scriptures to help us walk through our fear and distress, but it takes a lot of Faith to take the hard road. God knows the circumstances we live in, God has already made alternate routes for us to take instead of the easy road. Easy is rarely good. Smart is one thing, easy is lazy and laziness leads to a whole world of bad situations.

I went to the Lord for help. He answered me and rescued me from all my fears.
Psalms 34:4 GW

When we step out in Faith AND DO NOT WAVER  in our Faith, God honours us. We show God that we can walk in Faith. Even if we take the easy route, God is still with us. But every decision we decide to make will have their consequences, Good, bad or indifferent. God can use any situation for His ultimate Glory. God is not limited by much of anything when it comes to you, except by what you believe.

Never worry about anything. But in every situation let God know what you need in prayers and requests while giving thanks.
Philippians 4:6 GW

When we do our own thing, God is still doing His. We just have to let God back in to turn our fear into Faith. No situation is too tough for God to get through to you. Pray, and pray frevetently! Change comes on the knees of a humble and contrite person.

Then God’s peace, which goes beyond anything we can imagine, will guard your thoughts and emotions through Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7 GW

When your mind is loosed off the fear, FAITH RISES UP! Faith is a giant killer! Faith gets in the face of fear and fear crumbles as it over come by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of your testimony! 

I went to the Lord for help. He answered me and rescued me from all my fears.
Psalms 34:4 GW

God is right beside you as you stand in unwavering Faith! NO Fear! What fear can stand up to God almighty? Even death has bowed! Nothing stands before the Eternal One! NO Fear is to great for Him to help you over come! Call on the Name of the Lord and be saved!

“I have commanded you, ‘Be strong and courageous! Don’t tremble or be terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ ”
Joshua 1:9 GW

You have been commanded to stand Strong and Courageous! Just because you went the wrong route does not mean you have stay that way! GOD will bring you back to where you need to be. It is a process though, and it can take time. For me 12 years before I hit my stride again, but during those 12 years I fought uphill the whole way. Yes, I lost ground when my eyes left the cross, but when I focused hard on God and His promise that He would be with me, my life began to change. I was given an out and I jumped to that! 

“So don’t ever worry about tomorrow. After all, tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34 GW

Trust God NOW. Faith is a NOW thing. Faith has already said the battle is yours! HEB 11:1 NOW FAITH IS.... Today is the beginning of a change for you IF YOU GIVE your fear and anxiety over to God. He is the only one that effects change in your life. Search the scriptures for Faith building, speak the Words of Life over you and let God rebuke the spirits of fear and anxiety in your life! Allow God to be your Husband, Provider, Father. God has got you coverèd by the precious blood of His Son, Jesus.

I lived through my worst fear... the devil lost that ground!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

What to do if you are being abused

My blog, my thoughts, my opinion. 


I'm going to say it right here and I really do not care what anyone has to say: 


You are not Jesus! You do not change people! LEAVE, Separate yourself from them and get yourself right with God and leave your partner to God. God can do more when you get your self out of the way then with your sticky fingers in the pudding!

Them hitting you is not your fault, but your actions afterwards are entirely up to you. I will state this now, if your spouse is beating you - LEAVE!!!! I know it's hard but the shelters are there to help you escape! 

Luke 4:23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself....... do something!!!!

But if you are choosing to stay, making excuses for their behaviour, for whatever your reason, you know full well what triggers are pulled before your spouse acts out. 

By the way, God is not telling you to stay in an abusive marriage! God doesn't NOT like seeing you get beat down! And ANY PREACHER who tells you to stay is a IDIOT and I will tell it to their faces if you want me too!!!

I stayed for 12 stupidly long years. I thought to myself things would get better. We were a picture perfect couple outside the home but at home, we hardly spoke to each other. My kid and I spent more time locating ice cream coupons and Chinese food than we did at home. I hated being at home.

I had listened to TWO PASTORS who gave me the dumbest advice I have ever heard:

1. Fake it till you make it - God hates divorce

2. Be Blameless - God hates divorce

I am not bragging when I say I followed those two stupid suggestions to a fault. I mean, you could not find any legal reason that my then husband should be angry with me for anything. I was a willing wife, I keep my home spotless, I cook like a dream, I am domesticated to such a degree that I think I was bred to be a wife. I tell you, I wanted my marriage to work! Every day at 5am I got out of bed, sat on my couch and prayed for my husband! Those prayers are found in an earlier blog. But here I am, actually writing this blog on what would have been our 16th anniversary. Want to know what happen every single night, he yelled at me for getting up early and praying for him!

Side story, I took my concordance off the shelf today to do some research and not one, but 2 anniversary cards fell out of it. They are both in the garbage now. I have no regrets in my life, and those cards which once meant something to me are nothing now. 

Anyways, my point here, if you are making the decision to remain in an abusive relationship then you need guard yourself! You know the triggers, and since you have resigned yourself to walking on eggshells anyways, I suggest that you get on your knees and pray even harder for protection around you and your kids.

Did you know and it's a bit off topic but I'll circle back, that there were only 8 people on Noah's ark? Wrap your mind around this little nugget: Noah had been warning everyone for 100 years of the impending flood and they day it started to rain, not a single parent sent their kids to the ark!!! That's right, they allowed their kids to suffer the same fate as them when there was safety to be found. Think about that the next time your spouse sexually abuses your kids, YOU CAN SEND YOUR KIDS TO SAFETY, if you won't save yourself. 

My mom remarried about 10 years after she and my father divorced. The man seemed like the perfect husband, he was great until they got married, then he did a complete turn around and started abusing her. I watched this man chase my mother with an axe, and was powerless to stop him! Then one day he made a fatal mistake and hit my brothers. He was gone. My mom was fine with him hurting her, but Lord be coming if that man would hit her boys! Do you understand how this effected me? It was okay to abuse me, it was not okay to hit my kid. There is a whole lot of stupid in one lesson. Thanks mom.

When it came time for me to leave, I knew in my heart that I was free to go. God knew I gave my all, and I know He allowed this divorce.

You do not have to stay in an abusive marriage. Separation is always a safe bet. If you will put your life into God's hands, He will be your spouse and He will take care of you where your human partner failed.



And you are so lucky God still loves you, cuz the rest of us have no use for your temper and bull.

Ladies and Gentlemen, they very first time you raise your hand to your spouse, you have legally given your spouse the right to divorce you before God! You have broken your covenant and your partner is free to leave and file a divorce against you. God will not look kindly on you for hurting your spouse! You will be held accountable for every drunken bout, every unkind word, every drop of blood, every tear shed and every life taken.

REPENT!!! Your only chance is to break yourself before God!  You will lose your partner if you keep your crap up. They may never leave you physically, but an emotional death to you is certain.

There is no excuse for you to ever hurt your spouse or abuse your children! 

If you are sexually abusing your children, you need to leave! YOU NEED TO LEAVE!!! You are definitely full of the devil and you need to remove yourself from your family and clean yourself up! Turn yourself into the authorities and get your kids the help they will need because of what you have done to them!

You are so lucky for the shed blood of Jesus. 
A millstone around your neck is not good enough for hurting a child. 

In the end, abuse is from the devil and no one has to stay where they are being tormented. 

Get out, get safe and stay safe! 

Guarding your Marriage

I have always loved this picture. I think every married couple needs this photo taped somewhere in the house. A subtle reminder that a King always has his Queen's back.

You know the drill, my blog, my thoughts, my unalienable rights... freedom of thought, belief and expression! Don't like, move along.

Alrighty, let's get down to brass tacks! The past couple of blogs have basically been about me and my failures as a human. It is not easy to express my sorrow for being an idiot, but what can you do but accept what was done and move forward in GRACE and MERCY in Jesus.

See, I am not the one with the problem anymore. I gave my life and sins over to God and I tell you what, I did get my comeuppances don't you doubt that for a moment! And you know what else, I will deal with my sin (even though Jesus has forgiven me) probably for the rest of my life here on earth. It is easier for the church to forgive a murderer than an adulterer. I know, right?! What can you do eh? I've said what I've needed to say, now I'm going to arm you all with the knowledge you are going to need if ever you find yourself on side A. or side B. of the album.



Marriage is a joint venture of 2 people. If your marriage is tanking, you are still responsible for your half of the marriage issues.

When we realize that we allow our lives to go the way we choose, maybe we ought to rethink a few things like why are we not inviting God to lead our lives?

God gave you freewill, God will not direct your path until you ask Him too! You need to ask God to interfere in you freewill so that His Will becomes your own.

I read a post on Idiot-book (FB) today that read something to the effect: Real women don't ruin another woman's home for her own. Or something like that. It pretty much blamed the outside woman for breaking apart the marriage and absolving the married couple from all responsibility of the marriage breakdown.

Folks, it is very easy to blame the other woman/man, but the reality is, your marriage is 100% your responsibility to make work.

Sure Sister Suzy is hotter than fresh oven pizza and you look more like left over turkey carcass, but that there is your problem not smokin' hot Suzy. Suzy loves herself, you loath yourself.

You have probably spent a lot of time staring at that mirror hating the woman looking at you. I did. I am sure if you have kids you have little time or want to, to pretty yourself up and you get all kinds of catty when some hot chick catches your husbands eye.

Do yourself a favour and go paint your barn. My daughter has a song she plays, "Do you're hair toss, check your nails, baby how you feeling?"... ya well if you look like an old warn out tire, who wants to ride you? Oh...ya. I just said that.

Woman! Your job is to make your husband want you! Your job is to put them kids to bed early, and get him ready for an evening that will blow his mind! You are his wife! ACT LIKE IT!

Take my advice:

Ladies: Put your man first above everyone else including the kids and one under God.

Do for him with a servants heart. Try to fulfill his requests no matter how small or annoying they may be. Cook dinner for the man, serve him, Service him *wink wink*. Make him feel like a MAN. He was created to be your strength! Let him! And for the love of all that is holy, encourage him instead of running your mouth about him to anyone who will listen.  He is your huband, not your girlfriend, and if you treat your girlfriend better than your husband, you are an idiot.

If you make your man feel like he is your KING, he will bend over backwards for you! Ladies above all of this, for heaven sake, look and smell like a woman!

Men: Put your woman first above everyone else including the kids and one under God. Do for her with a servants heart. Try to fulfill her requests no matter how small or annoying they may be. Listen to her, don't fix her. Comfort her, hold her, save all your compliments for her and ONLY her! Put her before all other females and do not make her feel inferior to any other woman. She is your Queen, your gentleness, Guard her like the most precious article you own. Love her, and she will show you what a woman really is.

Men, If a female friend needs your help, ask your wife if you can help her! You wouldn't want your wife going over to male friends house to make him dinner or do his laundry would you?


Let me go one step further... The bible said about husband and wives: Gen 2:24For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. .

Notice how the two of you are called ONE flesh? It's not a euphemism it's a command. You and your wife are not on a "team" as everyone likes to think. No you and your husband are ONE PERSON and need to act accordingly. Not one is higher than the other, and you can't operate alone. Everything you two do must be done in agreement!

Ladies, as you have your weekly coffee and gossip session and are telling sister so and so about how your man is as dumb as a brick, you're telling her you are too. One thing I can boast on, I didn't go around gossiping about my ex. I left our laundry at home and if the opportunity came up to speak about him, I would say something positive. How's the ex? Well he is working hard! See it's not difficult.


How can a flower grow if you do not tend to it? There is no reason for insensitive banter. It's not funny to make fun of your spouse. Yeah, it's jesting but hurtful words have a habit of planting and taking roots.


What man does not end up in the dog house 6-7x a week... they spend more time in the dog house then they do the penthouse. Couples, the bible tells us Eph 4:26“Be angry, yet do not sin.” Do not let the sun set upon your anger. 

There is nothing wrong with being angry, it's what you do while you are angry that is sinful. If your anger is legitimate than so be it! But what can you do to not be angry with each other? 

Example: Idiot-book showed me a memory I had back in 2011, the memory was about the time my ex forgot our anniversary... Now, I was hurt as I read because he didn't remember and knowing me, I probably felt pretty pitiful all day because I remember that I am stubborn. I didn't wake up that morning and roll over to my ex and say HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and shower him with love and I waited all freaking day for him to remember. I allowed myself to be angry because I was too stupid to say Happy Anniversary. MY FAULT. He is human, he forgets where he puts his keys!


Loving is one thing but ya gotta like each other too.

My revelation this week, Jesus didn't like certain people! Did you know that? JESUS, GOD, doesn't like certain people!!! It's okay not to like someone, you just gotta love them. To LIKE someone, you have to have something there that attracts you to them. Commonalities, a reason to be together. If you have nothing, then you are what? Existing? What attracted you to each other before you ever thought about loving each other? FRIENDS... remember when you were friends? Remember how you guys were once upon a time? Ya well, get back to it.


In my opinion this is the most important of everything! You got to server each other! Make a game of it if you have to learn the behaviour, but you got to serve each other. Servant-hood is hard because it makes you, the servant feel less. But...if you both are putting the other first you are both first!

This one is particularly hard for women. We do not like this because it goes against every bull crap feminist view we have been beaten over the head with for the last century. How many woman do you know who think that being a woman means being a man. She goes off to work, she don't need anyone, she is the be all and end all and she don't need no man to tell her how she be. Well if you are in a God center marriage you never have to worry that you are a servant. It is a GOOD thing. Not a negative man hating junk trip.


On Christ the solid rock I stand!!! And I learned the bloody hard stubborn way!!! Trust me, after I Failed my first marriage, I had to take a very long hard look at ME. How would I do things differently? How would I fight the enemy and not my husband? Mind you,  my ex had his own issues that he never dealt with.  He is in the same boat he was in when I escaped.

The first lesson I had to learn, You can't fail when you are both God centered. When you both have come together with the same mind and same purpose, there is nothing you can't do. 

Let me say this again, You are NOT a team! You are a unit. One. Enough team talk, you two are one now. 

Eph 5:29 No man ever hated his own body. Instead he feeds and takes care of it, as Christ takes care of the church. You must take care of each other as you would take care of yourself. 

Have each other's back and don't allow for discourse to enter in. As soon as sin enters your camp, the troublemakers start. Nip that snot in the bud!!!! 

I spent some time reading comments from wives on secular pages, some married woman think It's okay for their men to watch porn and some even watch together. I'm don't quiet understand the logic for Christians to do this, a sinner lives in lust, Christians crucifies their flesh and puts down vain imaginations. The flesh is always weak and stupid, but together, a married couple can rise above all temptations! Allowing that evil seed to be scattered can cause for it to fall on a fertile field in your heart that you didn't even know was there till sin takes root. Why give the devil a toe hold?

Sin is insidious. It creeps in ever so quietly till one day your up to your eyeballs trying to figure if what your next move is! So you must STOP IT before it even starts.

HOW God centred are you? How much time do you spend praying together or studying the Word together? You need to cover each other every day in prayer, let each other know how much you appreciate your time together, time you must purposefully make time.

I remarried a few years later, My now husband and I live almost 24-7 in a transport truck, we have a lot of time together, and most of the time we are loving it. Rarely we fight because we don't give time to it. We are learning to keep the 2 works apart.  When we are in the truck  it's our world, and no one has the right to interfere there.  They can wait till we get back to the "real" world. 

You have to tend a garden to get a harvest.

Lesson 2, and I can't stress it enough to be servants to each other. I mean like make other couples jealous of your servant hearts towards each other. My husband and I gross out our friends all the time. We speak words of love a lot. We are always PDA, not gross, but huggy and sitting close to each other. My husband serves me dinner when we go out to buffets or places that are crowed. I don't like crowds. When we got stuck in a crowed movie theater, my husband found a back exit to guide me through. He takes great care of me and I him.

In Ancient Egyptian art, you will notice a lot of statues of husband and wife, that the wife almost always has her arm around her man. She is in essence telling the world she owns him and she has his back. It's called RESPECT AND LOVE. And she will put her foot up your arse if you mess with her man!

So in closing, the lessons I learned in round 2, if you want your marriage to flourish, you must be:

1. Be God centred
2. United
3. Respectful/loving
4. Have each other back 

Protect your marriage by protecting each other! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Unpolished People

You know the drill, my blog, my thoughts, offended? Check your heart.


John 4: 4-30, John 8: 1-11, Rom 8:1, Rom 8:31, Matt 26:28, John 8:3

I tell you what, if God was looking for polished people, He would have walked right past me! I am as unpolished as you can get. Sure I can put my makeup on and look absolutely fabulous, but it's a mask that I wear and hide behind, but there are days I let my ugly self roll and as I have told the world, I have sinned, and sin can be masked as something beautiful but we all know it's only skin deep! And when I say sin, I mean I did that SIN, that sin that most churches can not look past. I'm not talking blaspheming the Holy Spirit, or taking another person's life, those seem far more forgivable, I mean ADULTERY.

I am NOT proud of it, but I will not be controlled by a mistake that according to Matthew 26:28: "For this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins", is FORGIVABLE.

I have never hid my sin, I didn't flaunt it but I never acted like it didn't happen. I knew I screwed up and I take full responsibility for my actions, and I do not blame my past for the mistakes I made either. I did it because I wanted to. Plain in simple.

I want to caution you ladies, adultery is far easier to fall into than you think. It was surprisingly easy in fact to get myself into trouble! Like I mean, stupid easy. I use to think that a Christian Woman like myself was untouchable by sins like "that"... hahaha! WRONG! DEAD WRONG. 
It happen so fast I didn't even blink and the 3 years of turmoil that followed was most assuredly not worth the deed. l lost everything. More than when I left my ex, I lost my daughter, my respect, my witness. It is not worth the price of admission.


Our text today is based on John 4:4-30 and John 8:1-11 (we'll touch on the latter shortly),first lets talk about Jesus and the Samaritian woman at the well. While Jesus was heading to Galilee, He decided to make a pit stop in Samaria. Traditionally, Jews had NOTHING to do with Samaria. They avoid the area like the no body's business and speaking with a Samaritian was unheard of especially a Jewish man talking to a Samarian woman. It was not done.


Jesus purposely set out for Jacobs well that day knowing full well that there would be a certain woman who would come. Now the time is approximately noon, the hottest part of the day. Nutshelling the story: Jesus asks this woman for water, she talks circles around Jesus, Jesus then reveals Himself as 1. Living water, 2. Prophet and 3. Messiah. These 3 things are vital to our blog today.

1. The woman had been married about 5x and probably divorce about 4 times. She had been living with a man who wasn't her husband (hence why I believe she was still married) - that would be ADULTERY.

She came to the well at a time where she knew there would be no body there. No one to pick at her, no one to mock her. It was quiet. She probably got enough dirty looks during the day that she probably just wanted some place quiet to go to. After all, she was living in sin and I am sure the last thing she wanted was to be around other people.

I can parallel my life next to her and see that we probable have more in common than I think.
I will assume being in a similar boat as her, that she probably came from a fairly bad background.
I will assume that she was probably abused.
I will assume that she probably had some serious issues like rejection, depression, emotional trauma etc.

So we see her. The sinner, sweating bullets, probably a little smelly, probably dirty, drawing her water from the well. NOW,  we see Jesus. Jesus, purposely sought this lady out to tell her something incredible important, "Give me water" he said to her, such a simple statement started a life changing even! Imagine the look of shock on her face when she a gentile was being address by a Jew of all people!

(gonna reword scripture here...) "Give me water". I'm sure she was shocked! She questions Jesus, basically she is saying "You know I'm a sinner right?" and Jesus replied to the effect: "I know you are a sinner but I am here to give you life, I am here to change you, redeem you!" and she replies "Jesus, you don't know how deeply I have sin, how unworthy I am. You don't know me." and Jesus again says "Daughter, come to me and I will give you living water, I will renew you, remake you, restore you, I will clean you up, I will show you what love really is. I am living water!" 


Water by nature is clean, pure, refreshing, renewing and essential to life. Everything that this lady needed. This lady needed Jesus so bad that out of the whole ancient world, Jesus came to her!

2. Jesus did not condemn her to hell, He loved her in her sin.

Joyce Meyers said it best, "You got to catch the fish before you clean the fish".

As Jesus prophesied about the hidden things of this woman's life, He didn't rake her over the coals. He saw her heart and her hurt. I can just imagine how that woman felt as the LORD God in the flesh stood before her revealing the things only she knew. I would be dumbfounded. I am sure I would have a rise of attitude and probably end up a blubbering pile of tears on the ground!

Jesus didn't call her down, call her worthless, didn't hold her sins over her head. No, Jesus, in his infinite Grace was telling her that He knew exactly what she had gone through, and instead of condemnation He gave compassion.

3. Messiah. When Jesus finally revealed to this woman His whole divinity, this is where her life started over. Jesus had cast that line, she bit the hook, He set the hook and now it was time to reel her in! Her old life just ended right then and there, a new life began! GOD in the FLESH, had chosen to reveal himself to her! It was all coming together! Old life has passed away BEHOLD she was made new!! AND, You know what, get this... JESUS COMMISSIONED HER!!! That's right! He sent her to go and tell the others about Him AND the people LISTEN!!!

I have been in a few churches since and I felt so condemned. So crappy, so broken and I know there will be some ladies out there who are perfect and never sin who think I deserve worse. It's okay, that there is a sin, but that is between you and God. I am not telling you my story for your sympathy, I am speaking to the women who have walked the same walk as me and need to hear this.

Only one pastor ever told me that God forgave me. I didn't believe him. I have read numerous verses that tells that women like me are doomed to hell. I spent a few years resigned to that fate. But I never blamed God. I never turned my back on Him. I just accepted the fact that it was what it was because I knew what I was doing and make no excuse for my sin. I did it. I figured hell was certain until I had a heart to heart with my brother Jason.

Jason is a year older. Crankier old trucker like myself, but full of supernatural wisdom! We talked about the forgiveness of sins, covenant grace, he reminded me that even though I had sinned, God didn't want me to end up in hell. I saw the light!

John 8: 1-11 deals with another adulterous woman. This time the woman was "caught" in the act of adultery. I won't mention how the fella she was shagging was conspicuously absent...While she is being dragged out into public view, probably dressed immodestly if at all and is thrown at the feet of Jesus. Isn't that an apt picture of how we feel when we crawl our way to the cross? All our sins exposed in the most public way?

Now skipping the part with the Religious leaders let's focus in on HER.

Imagine this woman who was set up! She was being used! In her mind, do think that she even knew what was going to go down that day? Probably not. She probably, stupidly, trusted the man she had been with. There the two of them are in the most intimate action when the religious leaders break down those doors and haul her out!

This woman had a history too and I will speak from my experience, I don't think it was good either. Women don't usual cheat when they are loved and respected. So there she is, humiliated, crying and sobbing at the feet of Jesus. Her life is literally in the balance. The punishment for her sin was literally DEATH by STONING. No wonder, honey boy took off!


We won't know till heaven what Jesus wrote that day in the sand, but I am more aware of what Jesus said to this woman who was clearly in the wrong.

John 8: 10-11
When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? Hath no man condemned thee? 11 She said, No man, Lord, and Jesus said unto her, NEITHER DO I CONDEMN THE, GO, AND SIN NO MORE. 

Ladies! Do you understand what just happen here? Jesus redeemed her! Jesus clearly sees our sins, He knows the hidden and the evident! And while the devil is there accusing you and trying to humiliate you, know that according to Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit!


I spent 3 years broken, repenting, ripping myself to shreds, avoiding church, avoiding God. How could someone as unworthy as I stand before the Living God? It took me 3 years to understand that I was redeemable.

Why am I telling you all this? So no one can ever hold it over my head again. It's already public knowledge, there are no skeletons in my closet! I am redeemed, I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer that old lady that lives but Christ who Lives in me. And where Christ is, there can be no darkness! The whole reason Jesus stayed on that cross was because my sin held Him there.

As I lay before the cross, His blood covers me, it cleans me and has made me washed whiter than snow! The old law was weak and relied on the flesh, but this new Law, this New Covenant is Strong! It covers all sins! It brings us into right standing with the LORD! and there is no power in this earth that could ever uncover that sin! John 8:3.

I have a hope, you have hope and that hope is Jesus! Without Jesus, I would be more spit than polished!

Don't look at people without looking at their heart. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment and grace to look at people through the eyes of the Cross. RESTORE our fellow sisters!!! Only the devil condemns us over and over and over again. Jesus saves! Redeems! Restores!

Ladies we are in a battle and it's almost over! The times are going to get harder, temptation is everywhere and the devil knows the dust is about to settle so he will pull out every fleshly temptation he can to hinder your walk with the Lord! But know this, while there is breath in your body, you have a chance to fight back! Get up, dust yourself off and get ready for round two! If God can redeem me, you my dear sister, are redeemable too!

I got my life back! I got my daughter back! I am HAPPILY married now! GOD IS GOOD!!! Life is Good and getting better! 

Romans 8:31 What shall we say these things? IF God is for us, WHO can be against us?!

Monday, April 20, 2020

Return to Grace

Hey disclaimer time, if you are reading this, you know my blog is HIGHLY "religious". 
So, if you are easily offended, you might want to go find a blogger who is going to tickle your ears. Me...not so much. I'm going to tell you things straight up and from my perspective. 
Keep in mind that Jesus is the only perfect man to have ever walked the earth. 
My job here on earth is not to force you to accept Jesus but to tell how Jesus has changed my life.

Let me take you back to my origins. Every person has a story. I am no exception.
Once upon a time I was a good Christian girl. I have been saved well over 30 years. (Yes, I got the gold star) I attended church more often than some preachers. I have read through the bible cover to cover more times then I can count. I studied as hard as I could, took every online course available, took some bible school and mostly I dreamed of following in my mothers foot steps and prayed for her mantle to fall on me.
I love Jesus more then myself and you know what... I still fell and when I fell, I fell hard and fast. I was told by a "prophet" many years ago that I would fall and I would be alone and he was right and I totally disregarded him.

There came a time in my life where I didn't give a rats patootie about going to church. In fact, I honestly believed that I had lost my salvation. I don't believe in the fallacy of "Once saved, always saved". You can choose to walk away from God by your own freewill and give up your salvation.
I had enough of my wretched life.  See, I prayed for years and years for my life situation to change. It only got worse. 
I was for all intents and purpose, alone. My mom had died. I apparently had Postpartum depression, I attempted suicide twice, one time landing me in the loonie bin.
My brothers were all in the USA, I really had no family to lean on. It was perhaps the loneliest and darkest time for me. I honestly didn't think anyone cared. The 2 people I did tell gave me bull shit advice like "fake it till you make it" & "Be blameless"... I never made it and who else was to blame? I never prayed that people would changed, I prayed that God would change me so I could be more loving and obedient and hold on. 

Nothing changed. Nothing ever changed. I had enough and when I saw an opportunity to break away, I ran at it! I left my entire world behind except my kid. 

So I floundered for a few years. I have very little useful education. Little working skills. Divorced and penniless. I made huge mistakes along the way and as it turns out, I am really very good at making mistakes! Who knew! One of my many mistakes lead me away from church and I felt so dirty that I could not set face nor foot in church.


See, while I turned my back on Him, He never left me. Every step that I was taken, was well known to the all seeing, Omni Present God. I know I broke His heart. I know, like any father, that He just watched as I screwed up my life. But He never gave up on me. 
Thankfully, I have praying brothers.

I firmly believe that everything that happen during those years was God ordained even though I couldn't see it. Kind of like the book of Esther... You know God is all over it, but you never see Him. From my best friend giving my daughter and I a place to stay, to the man who just wouldn't let me be.
I wouldn't say things were perfect and nothing really fell into place. A lot of bad things happen along the way, but a lot more good came from it. I learned a new career for one thing, and the career allowed me to see so many things and experience life in a very unusual way.  I learned to drive a transport truck and I got to drive with my best friend and now husband, Ryan.

Ryan was the straw the broke this camels back. It was because of him I went back to church. I'm sure it's also because my brother Jason, who is best friend to Ryan now, pushed him...but I wouldn't have gone without Ryan pushing me and standing beside me.

I took him to a church my mom and I use to attend one day. It was up the road from our yard, and it was a small church so I figured it wouldn't be too overwhelming. 

We sat through service... and shockingly, I didn't catch fire like I thought I would. However, you know that God was in the sermon because it was direct right at me even though the pastor didn't know it.

After service, the pastor came up to me, he thought he recognized me but couldn't place the grown up I had become from the little girl he last saw... Little name dropping and the light bulb went on.

He open the can of worms accidentally... or God-tentionally... and I confessed my darkest sin openly for the first time, how badly I screwed up, we, screwed up. You know what, he shocked me. He told me never to go back to where I came from and to move ahead because God was waiting for me. He didn't condone my actions, but he actually acknowledge the very real pain I had been feeling for years. He brought me back to the Cross! To forgiveness and redemption!

I felt like I was finally going in the right direction again. I had a job, I had a purpose and most importantly I found forgiveness at the foot of the cross.

I am far from perfect. I will admit how stupid I have been. While I will never be able to change my past, I sure can learn from it. I know that I will forever be labeled by my stupidity. I know that God knew everything was going to happen the way it did, and I know that God brought Ryan to me.  2 badly broken hearts needing one another. We met back in high school... nearly 30yrs ago. Our histories and paths have always been crossing and we never even knew it. Always a block away it seems. 

Many people have prayed for us and I ask that many more do. We are starting over and life is difficult and sometimes overwhelming, BUT GOD has a plan for us and we both want to walk together in it.

To butcher quote Alice Cooper

"We are building a house of fire ...
We are building this house together...
Standing on solid ground"

That Solid Ground is a more stronger growing love for Jesus! Who though we stumbled held His nail pierced hand out for us and lifted us back to solid ground.  

If you feel that God is calling you, go back to Him. It is never too late to turn around to Him. Forgiveness is for everyone, not just church going perfect Christians, but for all of us who have fallen on our faces in the dirt. Like the prodigal son, we can return to our Father and not be disgraced anymore. No matter what the world calls us, God calls us SON. 

Signing off...

Mrs. Hood


By Bernedette Hood

My daughter who is 14 at the time of me writing this, has been really questioning her spirituality as of lately. I figured maybe it was her age or her friends or something that she read. Turns out it was something that she did read.
She forwarded me an article written by an American Psychologist called, and get this title: Evangelical Christianity’s Ten Biggest Mindf*cks. (Click that title to be taken to her article)

Classy eh.

As my daughter and I sat down and discussed this article together and using the WORD of God as my guide, I really noticed something very interesting about the authors tone and how her article came across to me. I am going to write this portion of my own article giving a response to these 10 statements. It all stemmed from my conversation with daughter.
SOOOOOO, you know the drill. This is my blog, my opinion, my thoughts and my unalienable right to say whatever I would like. I stand for the Faith of Jesus Christ! You don’t have to read my blog, and you are most certainly allowed to disagree, disregard or move on with your bad self at any time. I am not here to sugar coat anything for you. You have access to your bibles, go argue scripture with God.

1.      It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship
First and foremost, does it not break your heart to realize that people still haven’t a clue just how powerful the LOVE of Jesus really is!
Religion is the actions, it’s the rules, the rituals, the showing out, the outward signs and symbols.
Relationship is the deep heart to heart connection between you and your Saviour, Jesus. That feeling, that behaviour towards Him, those actions of love. It is inward, personal, intimate.
Relationship with God is a very special unique connection that you can’t just get with anyone. It goes beyond any dating experience you have ever felt. It goes far beyond any sexual intimacy you have ever felt. It is something that mere words can not describe. This a love between YOUR Creator, YOUR Saviour, YOUR Kinsman Redeemer!
No religious ceremony can even come close to this connection, this covenant cut in the Blood of Christ!

     IS GOD

Jesus is very much a real person! He has been written about for millennia! Hostile, extra biblical sources speak about Jesus! Click on the names and explore what they said about Jesus.
Thallus (52AD)
Tacitus (56-120AD)

Mara Bar-Serapion (70AD)
Phlegon (80-140AD)
Pliny the Younger (61-113AD)
Suetonius (69-140AD)
Lucian of Samosata: (115-200 A.D.)

Here is my question, if you can’t trust the bible and you can’t trust these writers, how than can we trust any historical book? Any book written about Hannibal or Alexander the Great or Ptolemy. How do we believe anything? Are we to cherry pick every historical text now? The bible is the most historically accurate book ever written and is even use today in the field of archaeology.
The author in her article states that the bible dictates what people are to believe, have you ever read, YOU MUST BELIEVE, or was it more like IF. If is good. IF is choice. The bible does not force you to pick it up and read it. It does not say convert or be killed (Quran does) It does not force you to believe the truth. It simply says IF. God will not force you to follow Him. He will offer you an invitation, but He isn’t going to send no whale on land to suck you up and spit you out once you believe. That was for Jonah and him alone. 

Heb 11:6, Rom 8:34, 2 Chron 7:14, Heb 4:16, Luke 11:9 
(Scroll down when you are taken over to to see all the scriptures)

You know God doesn’t like that. He is a gentleman; He isn’t going to force you to do anything you don’t want to do. You are free to live your life any way you want to live and by any means you so desire. Whether you choose to follow Him or not is 100% up to you to live your life, GOOD, BAD or INDIFFERENT. Just remember that no matter what you do, there will always be a consequence to your choice.
I will never understand why anyone would not want Jesus. His gift of Salvation was through His own suffering, death and resurrection! I don’t see Buddha on a cross or Mohammad. Remember John 3:16!

The Law is still here. Jesus didn’t abolish it, He left it here but His blood fulfilled everything in that law. That Law shows all of us just how woefully evil and low humanity (me, You, Her) truly are. The Law shows us how inadequate we humans are and how desperately we need JESUS! We could not possibly measure ourselves up against the Law! Jesus could! Jesus’s shed blood at Calvary cleansed ever believer and redeemed us from THE CURSE OF THE LAW! Now we have Jesus, who knew even before we were how we could never measure up to the Law. He stands firmly between the Old Testament (Old Covenant) and the New Testament (New Covenant). The New Covenant, covered and cut in His precious blood that makes us innocent of all charges and sins before God the Father! Trust me, I need it! If you knew how many of the 10 commandments I have broken, you know, I needed a Saviour!

Just a reminder that Laws are made to guide you. It’s pretty sad that God had to write in Stone “THOU SHALT NOT MURDER”. Without law there is chaos. With God there is Order.

3.      YES, NO, MAYBE (Prayer)
Prayer is a very private and personal experience with people and God and YES there are times that God does not give us the answer we want and yes there are times we feel that God is ignoring us. He isn’t. He has heard.

Thing is, we are so self-centred that we only look at the times we believe that our prayers were not answered verse the great many times that they were.  Have you ever stopped and looked back at all the times God answered your prayers spoken and unspoken?

For me, my husband coming home every week from a long haul, safe and unharmed. Being paid on time, having unexpected cheques showing up in the mail, having someone buy me a coffee, having someone invite me for dinner, walking away from a head on collision, my daughter being born perfect and healthy! So much that God does for you and you didn’t even have to ask!
In 1981, my brother was killed in a motor vehicle accident. He was 18. I know a lot of people immediately blame God for his death. But consider this: Isaiah 57: 1 THE RIGHTEOUS PERISH AND NO MAN LAYETH IT TO HEART: AND MERCIFUL MEN ARE TAKEN AWAY, NONE CONSIDERING THAT THE RIGHTEOUS IS TAKEN AWAY FROM THE EVIL TO COME.
King Hezekiah was on his death bed. He was sick, he was dying, he was crying. He was told by the prophet Isaiah to get ready to die but Hezekiah cried out to God and God gave him another 15 years. Those 15 years turned out to be the worst 15 years for Hezekiah. His death would have prevented a whole string of bad events.  Death is not a thing to be feared! Jesus has overcome the grave! 

Next, God, like any good parent knows what is best for you and when you make your request known to Him, He weighs it out like any good father and looks to see whether is will be beneficial to you or detrimental. Did it occur to you that maybe what you are asking for could potentially harm you? Trust God, He will give you what you need!

4.      Be Selfless for your own sake
This baffles my mind. Why on earth would this be a BIGGEST MINDF*CK??? Being a servant keeps you humble, it keeps you focused, it helps you see others before you see yourself. It is a good thing. I would assume that being humble and kind would be a great attribute!

Gal 5:22-23, 1 John 4:8, Rom 3:10, James 4:6, Ps 25:9, James 4:10

5.      Christianity is Humble
First, the scripture she misquoted here is “Pride goes before DESTRUCTION…”. So, with that right there, can anyone tell why HUMILITY is a must?
Walking in pride destroys your witness. Pride ruins your goals and is most unhelpful. A prideful arrogant person is someone you never want to be around. They are the ones who argue everything and anything to their benefit. They can suck the happy out of anyone. 

Who needs Jesus when you can save yourself?

6.      Christianity isn’t Sexist…blah blah blah

Ugh. Why is this even a thing anymore. Seriously? Wrap your minds around this ladies; here is a fact: the world we live in today IS NOT the world God had intended for us! But because of sin, things changed! In todays world, gender roles are so far beyond messed up that a “PERSON” born with a PENIS is a GIRL!?

God’s perfect world, is NOT what we are living in today or yesteryear either. In the world to come, and thank the Lord we have this hope! When this old earth passes away, so does all the sin and filth! In the next world, do you realize there will be no more marriage!

Basic biology before we go deeper: Gen 1:28 God makes a command to Adam and his wife Eve to be fruitful and multiple. The LGBT read Adam and Steve or Lydia and Eve… Neither of those two couples can keep the command of the LORD to be fruitful and multiple. God need a male and female to increase our numbers! That is nature, that is simple biology, and science fact. You need a living sperm from a man and an egg from a woman to make the most beautiful creation, a child.  I’m sorry to say that God did not create man for man or woman for woman but man for woman and woman for man. It is the natural order of things. Now if you are of the LGBT… persuasion, does this mean God hates you? NO! NO! AND DOUBLE NO!!!!!!!! God loves all His children; He just doesn’t like your sin but here is a kicker, He doesn’t like mine either. So now we have choices to make. Do we continue in our sins or do we not? That is free will which we will address later.

Now moving along her comments, we see that she thinks women are underdogs in the bible. I guess she has over looked virtually every society, culture out there that has ever made a woman a second-class citizen! There are 2 different societies, a matriarchy or a patriarchy and I’m gonna let you guess how things roll in those two towns. I wondered if the author has taken a look at modern day China that kills most of the female children born. So much so, that the men out number the women! In Iran, women are treated less than animals and ritually murder them, but shhhhhh we must attack the history of Jews! 

I’m looking at my lovely daughter planted on the couch, wearing her pj’s and playing some weird stone game on her phone thinking to myself, how blessed is she that God chose me to be her mom! Could you imagine had she been conceived in a Chinese woman’s womb? She has a higher risk of death with her than with me. She could have been born to an Iranian woman and sold at the age of 7 to an old pervert! But no! She is my daughter and gosh darn the horrible God I serve made her a Canadian!? Evil!!!! EVIL!!! Sorry, I just found that her comments were a whole lot “Helmet special”. The author is so blessed to have been born to a Christian family in the USA and has had the benefit of being educated, and loved and cared for while so many other women will NEVER know what our kind of Freedom really is, but the author wants to harp on fallible male thinking.

I live outside ancient history, I live outside of biblical history, but here is a really cool thing, I get to know these ancient societies and I get to learn about the lives of many people who would otherwise be forgotten to history. Eve, the first woman, the giver of life, my mother. Deborah, a might wise woman. Ruth, an obedient servant, Mary, mother of Jesus. Bernedette (me), Daughter of the KING!
Ps 68:11 tells me that God is speaking to women and guess what? While the men are tending the folks at the church, you and I are to SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL!!! We are not locked down to a church ladies, we can tell everyone who will listen, man, woman or child, the good news of Jesus and point them back to a church where they can be taught and grow in faith and go out and make more disciples for Christ! I don’t care if I ever speak in a church, I’m groovy if I do, groovy if I don’t, I’m speaking you right now from the comfort of my own living room with my hair up and my green plaid pj’s and Hamilton Tigercats sweat shirt on!!!

7.      Believe and be saved

Going all the way back to the first point, you have a choice. It is 100% up to you to lead your own your life! As I see it, I simply can not fathom how anyone would not want to have a relationship with God! As my favourite evangelist said and let me quote this in caps ladies “WHAT IN HELL DO YOU NEED?” Why would you not take the free gift of salvation? It costs you a lot less than it did Jesus!

Here is the catch though, believing in God makes you accountable to someone greater than you. It takes the focus off you, makes you HUMBLE, breaks your bondages and brings you order in your chaos. Who would not want that?

Peace? Contentment? Accountability? Order? Humility? Love? Relationship? VICTORY???
I was sold at PEACE!!!

What I have noticed, people are far to comfortable in their misery. They like victim-hood and chaos. They want an excuse like the other of the article to walk in offense! They like to feel like they have been wronged by the whole entire church as a collective and look down their prideful noses and revel in their pseudo intellectual bull pucky. The author, right from the first letter of her obscene title article, I knew even before reading that this lady had a whole world of hurt from church and family! Even before I read her credentials I knew she was a secular humanist and there for her article would be nothing more than a good old fashion once over boot licking of Christianity. See, instead of taking her hurt to the foot of the cross she allowed for that hurt to fester and grow in her heart. It’s far easier to walk in offense than it is for forgiveness. 

Lady, the person who hurt you was WRONG! I am here to tell you that they were sent by the enemy as a wolf in sheep’s cloths to destroy your walk with the LORD and so far they have won that battle, but the war is no where near over for you! People like these wolves go into churches and like the devil, seek to find those they can devour. This article screams HURT! Lady, you have to know, GOD DID NOT HURT YOU, The weak willed peon of the devil did. They allowed the devil to use them to abuse you.

8.      God loves you and he’ll send you to hell
Nope. That choice is 100% on you. God created Hell for the devil and his angels, not for people.
God wants everyone to coming to saving, redeeming knowledge of Jesus. This is precisely WHY He sent His Son, part of Him to earth, to die for you so that you had a choice to go which ever way you decide. God will love you through all eternity, you just didn’t love Him!

9.      Free Choice under Duress
Remember I said we would address freewill? Remember it was Jesus’s FREEWILL that keep Him nailed to that cross! Jesus exercised His freewill by willingly dying an extremely horrific death, knowing that His sacrifice would bridge the gap for you to cross over into abundant life!
See, had Jesus chose not to go willing to the slaughter, your sins would be counted against you! You are worthy death my friend! So am I.

Mohammad did not die for his followers, Buddha did not die for his followers, but Jesus did!
The difference in Christianity, God loved us so much that He made the way for us to be blameless before in Jesus. 

If you had to die for someone, could you die for someone that hurt you?

10.  Lean not on your own understanding

Let me nutshell this one for ya: LOCK DOORS KEEP HONEST PEOPLE HONEST.
The bible tells us clearly that man’s natural thoughts are evil! Why? SIN!!! Before we became born again, we were of our father, the devil who is nothing more than a lying, thieving, rattle snake, and so were we.

The author of this obscenely title article is a psychologist, who no doubt had to study and learn her occupation from a bunch of different teachers. Each one of her teachers taught her something and she had to learn from opinions, develop her thinking and reasoning from many, many sources. I am willing to bet she probably read more books on behavioural sciences then I have driven backwards uphill and yet she clearly over looks the most obvious fact that God – Jesus – Holy Spirit – Bible are the best teachers around. 

The bible is more than just a book of do’s and don’ts, it is a book written to guide you through your life. When you are learning anything for any vocation, the best way is to learn from someone with more experience than you. Who do you know who has infinite wisdom and understanding? What ALL KNOWING, ALL SEEING, EVER PRESENT GOD could ever possibly know something more than you, who wants to love you and all he asks is for your love in return? That’s some deal.
When you bring God’s thoughts into your own thoughts, that little pixel you have been fixated on becomes part of a bigger and better picture! What the author fails to realize is that Life with God is so much better than life without God! 

Can you imagine how much more productive a psychologist could be if she aligned her thoughts with the Lords?

Today ladies, why don’t you ask for the Lord to impart to you, wisdom and revelations! Ask Him to share with you something new that you have never known!