Sunday, April 26, 2020

What to do if you are being abused

My blog, my thoughts, my opinion. 


I'm going to say it right here and I really do not care what anyone has to say: 


You are not Jesus! You do not change people! LEAVE, Separate yourself from them and get yourself right with God and leave your partner to God. God can do more when you get your self out of the way then with your sticky fingers in the pudding!

Them hitting you is not your fault, but your actions afterwards are entirely up to you. I will state this now, if your spouse is beating you - LEAVE!!!! I know it's hard but the shelters are there to help you escape! 

Luke 4:23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself....... do something!!!!

But if you are choosing to stay, making excuses for their behaviour, for whatever your reason, you know full well what triggers are pulled before your spouse acts out. 

By the way, God is not telling you to stay in an abusive marriage! God doesn't NOT like seeing you get beat down! And ANY PREACHER who tells you to stay is a IDIOT and I will tell it to their faces if you want me too!!!

I stayed for 12 stupidly long years. I thought to myself things would get better. We were a picture perfect couple outside the home but at home, we hardly spoke to each other. My kid and I spent more time locating ice cream coupons and Chinese food than we did at home. I hated being at home.

I had listened to TWO PASTORS who gave me the dumbest advice I have ever heard:

1. Fake it till you make it - God hates divorce

2. Be Blameless - God hates divorce

I am not bragging when I say I followed those two stupid suggestions to a fault. I mean, you could not find any legal reason that my then husband should be angry with me for anything. I was a willing wife, I keep my home spotless, I cook like a dream, I am domesticated to such a degree that I think I was bred to be a wife. I tell you, I wanted my marriage to work! Every day at 5am I got out of bed, sat on my couch and prayed for my husband! Those prayers are found in an earlier blog. But here I am, actually writing this blog on what would have been our 16th anniversary. Want to know what happen every single night, he yelled at me for getting up early and praying for him!

Side story, I took my concordance off the shelf today to do some research and not one, but 2 anniversary cards fell out of it. They are both in the garbage now. I have no regrets in my life, and those cards which once meant something to me are nothing now. 

Anyways, my point here, if you are making the decision to remain in an abusive relationship then you need guard yourself! You know the triggers, and since you have resigned yourself to walking on eggshells anyways, I suggest that you get on your knees and pray even harder for protection around you and your kids.

Did you know and it's a bit off topic but I'll circle back, that there were only 8 people on Noah's ark? Wrap your mind around this little nugget: Noah had been warning everyone for 100 years of the impending flood and they day it started to rain, not a single parent sent their kids to the ark!!! That's right, they allowed their kids to suffer the same fate as them when there was safety to be found. Think about that the next time your spouse sexually abuses your kids, YOU CAN SEND YOUR KIDS TO SAFETY, if you won't save yourself. 

My mom remarried about 10 years after she and my father divorced. The man seemed like the perfect husband, he was great until they got married, then he did a complete turn around and started abusing her. I watched this man chase my mother with an axe, and was powerless to stop him! Then one day he made a fatal mistake and hit my brothers. He was gone. My mom was fine with him hurting her, but Lord be coming if that man would hit her boys! Do you understand how this effected me? It was okay to abuse me, it was not okay to hit my kid. There is a whole lot of stupid in one lesson. Thanks mom.

When it came time for me to leave, I knew in my heart that I was free to go. God knew I gave my all, and I know He allowed this divorce.

You do not have to stay in an abusive marriage. Separation is always a safe bet. If you will put your life into God's hands, He will be your spouse and He will take care of you where your human partner failed.



And you are so lucky God still loves you, cuz the rest of us have no use for your temper and bull.

Ladies and Gentlemen, they very first time you raise your hand to your spouse, you have legally given your spouse the right to divorce you before God! You have broken your covenant and your partner is free to leave and file a divorce against you. God will not look kindly on you for hurting your spouse! You will be held accountable for every drunken bout, every unkind word, every drop of blood, every tear shed and every life taken.

REPENT!!! Your only chance is to break yourself before God!  You will lose your partner if you keep your crap up. They may never leave you physically, but an emotional death to you is certain.

There is no excuse for you to ever hurt your spouse or abuse your children! 

If you are sexually abusing your children, you need to leave! YOU NEED TO LEAVE!!! You are definitely full of the devil and you need to remove yourself from your family and clean yourself up! Turn yourself into the authorities and get your kids the help they will need because of what you have done to them!

You are so lucky for the shed blood of Jesus. 
A millstone around your neck is not good enough for hurting a child. 

In the end, abuse is from the devil and no one has to stay where they are being tormented. 

Get out, get safe and stay safe!