One thing that I have really taken to heart is the realization that there is no need for me to do everything the hard way! I will never have to invent the lightbulb because it is all ready wheel making for me, heck I don't even have to create multiple eyeshadow pigments because there are literally thousands to choose from. Why try to redo something that's already been done to great success when it is not necessary? I've even gone a step further and decided not to do the things that fail but look at what's been done to do it differently to get success. I have ample examples of what not to do to know I ought not do it too! Live and learn not repeating the mistakes of the past.
I also have a secret to my success in life too, it's called Believing what God has said verses what man thinks. I know what mankind thinks and frankly, I am tired of the spineless weak nature of man! I really am. I get tired of how Christian people cherry pick and chose what they will believe from the Bible. It's not that kind of book! It's an all or nothing kind of book! You can't simple choose to believe one part without believing the rest. I believe the entire Bible IS God's WORD not just the easy fluffy parts. And while something's do not directly apply to me, I stand in awe of this awesome testimony of Gods great love and plan for me.
Now what does this have to do camels and needles? I'll tell you...
How many of you have heard Joel Osteen's profession of faith that he says before the start of each sermon? He takes his Bible in hand and says something like "this is my Bible, I am what it says I am. I have what it says I have. I can do what it says I can do..." Love him or not he's onto something here, and that something is that Gods WORD should lead how we live our own lives. God isn't double minded. He told us time and again, I will do for you what you believe I can. Your faith is the key.
What does really God say?
In the vast army of the LORD there are many tents and not all tents agree on doctrine. And I tell you what, we are not getting sucked in to that crap here. Oh trust me I know the gardens of theology rose and tulip alike but that is man taking God's WORD and putting his little spin on things as per usual.
One thing many people struggle with is the "Health and Wealth - Prosperity Gospel" that is spreading across the world. Lots of folks are dead set against it because "what if it doesn't work?" Little Johnny is going to become disillusioned with God and fall away because he's not a millionaire.
Seriously? That is sheer stupidity on Johnny part. His heart motive is completely wrong!
Well Bernie, the Bible says in Matt 19:24 - It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
Why yes it do! But did you know in ancient times wealth was seen by man as approval from God, that He favoured the wealthy over the poor, and because of this, the rich cast looked down on others to the point that money was their God.
Now in context this verse Jesus's is clear with his intentions, He is telling the disciples that no one can be saved by their own merits, it is impossible. The Rabbis back then actually believed because of their wealth they were entitle to heaven, they bought their furst class seats! See that verse is not about money, it is about salvation!!!
Matt 19:25 - He amazed his disciples more than ever when they heard this. "Then who can be saved?" They asked.
Pride was and is an issue with alot of wealthy people. Their love for money out weighs their need for God and therefore are unable to release themselves from the comforts they have become accustomed too. Money is their god.
Now lots of Christian folk today take that verse and stop at vs 24, and go "Ah ha! Rich people don't go to heaven, so therefore having money is bad, and being rich is a sin!"
Please give your brains a shake. How many rich people did Jesus come across that He didn't tell them to sell everything? Lots.
Deut 8:16-18 - He [God] was the one who fed you in the desert with manna, which your ancestors had never seen. He did this in order to humble you and test you. But He also did this so that things would go well for you in the end. You may say to yourselves, "I became wealthy because of my own ability and strength." But remember the LORD your God is the one who makes you wealthy. He's confirming the promise [covenant] which He swore to your ancestors. It's still in effect today.
In this verse, God is telling His people because they choose Him, they may partake of their covenant promises. He provided for the needs of their ancestors the same way He would provide for their needs and the same way He provides for our needs today! Phil 4:19 - My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.
Now either We as Christians stand in covenant with God and His covenant promises are for today or we don't! Which is it?
2 Cor 1:20 - Certainly, Christ made God's many promises come true. For that reason, because of our message, people also honour God by saying Amen!"
Hebrews 7:22 tells us that we have a better covenant then the old one. That we an eternal covenant with God through the blood of Jesus Christ. A covenant is a unbreakable agreement between two parties that is meant that each other share in all things equally together. God truly got the short end of that stick. (Marriage is a covenant)
So the question is, are we allowed to prosper? or do we sell all and become poor?
James 1:9-10 - Humble believers should be proud because being humble makes them important. Rich believers should be proud because being rich should make them humble.
1 Tim 6:17-18 - Tell those who have the riches of this world not to be arrogant and not to place their confidence in anything as uncertain as riches. Instead, they should place their confidence in God who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. Tell them to do good, to do a lot of good things, to be generous, and to share.
Folks, it's the love of money that is the root of evil. Ecc 10: 19 - says that money is needed. So, money isn't the problem, putting it before God is! Money is important. In fact the Bible speaks about this topic some 2000 plus times! God knows that men are greedy but He also knows that some people are superior to it and not driven by money.
Very recently a large sum of money was taken from me. And as I was thinking about the loss it hit me, it's only money. I love my God, Jesus Christ more than any sum of money. So I put the problem over to Jesus and I seriously didn't care about the loss! Others whom I shared with were more angry than me, I just rolled that care over to God. I wasn't going to have a fit over it, and I slept great! And every time the thought would come to my mind I would start praying in the Spirit and telling that problem "I don't care, your God's problem", I did what was required and let go and by the end of the week, God restored to me half the lost amount! Praise God! It's His money anyways, why should I worry?
I have about 26 verses written in the back of my Bible that tell me I can have success, wealth and health...IF I follow the commands of my God, and you know what, I can and I do because Jesus made that so much easier! I am made Holy and Righteous because of Jesus!
If it's in Gods WORD then it is for me! Otherwise, God is a LIAR! And since that isn't the case then I can have what the Bible says, I can do what the Bible says I can do!
I work hard for everything I get. And I know that it is through God and God alone that my abilities produce good things in my life! When I go fishing, I expect to catch fish because God blesses whatever I put my hands too.
When I cook, let's just say its good! And according to Deut 28, EVERYTHING I do is blessed! So then why not accept the blessings God has given and wants to give to me. The Bible says I am a seed of Abraham and I am entitle to an inheritance through him - all nations of the earth will be don't earn an inheritance! Someone had to die for you to get it right.Well JESUS DID!
So search the scriptures for yourself. What does God really say? What is your motive for money? To feather your nest or to further the Kingdom of God? Who do you love? God or money? Become superior to money, learn to be a giver, put God first. Tithe, give to the poor.
The 2nd biggest lie the devil threw at the church was that we have to be poor to serve the LORD. That's a load of horse pucky! The devil knew that if the people of God had money,they would have the means to change the world! But if you feel the need to be poor, get to selling Paco! You need to sell it all, give it all away and get your butt on the street and become a homeless begger. Feel free to send me your proceeds, I know a few people who would gladly accept your cash.
In case your wondering, the 1st and biggest lie is that the devil don't exist...