Sunday, May 25, 2014

Be Dogmatic for Jesus!

2John 1:10 If anyone comes to you and doesn't bring these teachings, don't take him into your home or even greet him.

I just read an interesting article from, Should Christians be open minded to other religions?

Some replies were yes, others were maybe and some gave mini lectures as to being tolerant and my answer is NO!

Ladies, I have been accused of not being "Christian enough", because I view the religion of Islam as a danger, and a false religion. Any religion that promotes raping of women because a woman is simply in public is not alright by me. I personally think that rape is far worse than death. At least in death you are no longer suffering, but a person lives the remainder of their life with that violation in the back of their mind.

Any religion that tells you that you must accept them or be killed is not right by me either. But I don't stop there, I believe that Christianity is the ONLY WAY and all other religions are false and created by human imaginations and hands.

I get angry when I see things like the aggressive homosexual agenda being stuffed down our throats. I get angry when the feminazi's declare unborn children as parasites. I really get angry when someone mocks Jesus Christ. 

No ladies, we should not embrace anything this world has to offer us. Sure sometimes it looks good, but really, there is only one way to God and that is through Jesus.

"Where's your Christian love?" Friends I want to teach you something here, love does not mean I have to like you, love means I accept you as a person created in the image of God and I will do you no harm, and treat you well, but I do not have to like you nor agree with you anymore than you have to me. 

Anyways, back to the topic at hand, I want to challenge each and everyone one of you reading this to pick up your bible and live as God has said and move out of the world as fast and as much as you can. I want you ladies to start being pit bulls for the Word of God! Grab hold of it, lock your jaws around it and do not allow anything, or anyone to come between you and God! Not even your kids! You read right, your job is to raise them and give them to God. You are not to make them the centre of your universe, that is Gods spot!

Friends, Jesus was not a limp wristed hippy love child!!! Jesus was a man who took this world by storm and got up in the face of the evil men to the point they tried to kill Him! I am willing to bet that when Jesus called the religious leaders a "brood of vipers" He was mad at them! I am certain that when He cleansed the temple, there was anger in Him!

Friends, what I want for all of you ladies is to take a stand for Jesus even if it means losing friends and family. That's not a loss, your transformation may be the spark that ignites the fire in them!

Ladies, don't fall for the bull pucky that you have to tolerate sin because it's "love" between two adults.
You can love anyone and do not have to defile the body, The temple of Holy Spirit, of God and Christ!

What God has called SIN is sin, no matter how man tries to twist it and changes laws.

How you live your life and form your opinions must and I do mean must LINE UP WITH THE WORD OF GOD! You and I have no business twisting Gods Word to fit our lives. You need to Fit Gods Word.

Be dogmatic! Be intolerant! Don't let anyone take Gods Word from you ever! He won't let anyone snatch you from His hand, so return the favour.