Friday, May 2, 2014

Open Heart Surgery Part 3 Christians Kill their wounded!

I have a bee in my bonnet today...

I just read some blog that I will not name that just slammed the crap out of a well known RICH Word of Faith preacher. It is to me a prime example why there is so much division in the body of Christ.

Christians kill there wounded...Always bashing everyone over the head b/c they do not agree with the same man made doctrine.

I've personally been insulted by a couple preachers who used words like "stupid" to discribe Word of Faith believers which I identify as. GOD SAID IT-THAT ENDS IT.

How hard would it be for Christians to stop bad mouthing each other and pull together on the things they do agree on.

If you do not believe in "blab & grab" WHO REALLY CARES?! Who are you to tell someone they can't believe what the bible says. It's in there, it's a biblical, so it's doable! It's a spiritual concept relating to faith.

It's funny, as Christians, we accept Jesus purely on faith. There is no physical evidence present to prove the inward change of our heart. No certificate, no plaque, not even an email from heaven that proves we are Saved. No, it is by FAITH we are saved.

So why put limits on the infinite God with your finite mind? Did He not say He is the God of the impossible?  Have you ever read the bible and seen all the physically impossible things that were doable!

When was the last time YOU parted a sink of water vs God's red sea? Could you shout down a wall such as the wall that surrounded Jericho? Could you stop the sun from setting? Can you raise yourself from the dead?

God did! He does the impossible all the time! Where's your faith girl? If God's Word is true than you can do what He said you can do and you can have what He said you can have. It's in His Word! And God does not lie!!!!!

It's called COVENANT! We are married to Jesus and just as a husband provides for his wife, and gives her good things just for her enjoyment, why can't God? He is our husband!

There are at minimum 26 verse in the bible that tell us that God wants us to be sucessful and prosperous! I'll take that thank you very much!

Sweet heart hear me...God does not want you to live in lack. Poverty is the biggest lie that the devil twisted into mans mind. When you are poor you can not even help yourself! When you prosper, the sky isn't even a limit!
Debt is a trap! Stop it dead!

Your key to getting out of debt is giving to God so that God can trun your pennies into dollars! I am a tither. I tithe on every bit of my income. I even tithe on money I find. Why? Because my goal in life is to be a giver but I can't be a giver if I am broke!

I also volunteer alot of my time and talents as much as I can because a lazy man does not prosper.

In my season of rest right now, I am spending my time studying Gods word and giving of my time as much as I can till God brings me my next assignment. So even though I am not "earning" a living right not God is supplying and teaching me the tools for what I will need next. There is no excuse to be idle when you are waiting on the Lord. Idleness leads to alot of bad things and one of those bad things is back biting and gossiping.

Instead of killing your brother or sister in Christ with your mouth, why not back them up? You'll go alot further in life having your brother or sisters back instead of stabbing them.

Friends, we are one army with many tents full of individuals who experience God & life individually. Raise your brothers & sisters up instead of tearing them down.

It's not right or acceptable to condemn someone because you do not personally agree with what the teach. I don't believe I have to talk to a priest to get to God, but I won't condemn someone who does.

When you get to heaven, I promise you whether or not you are Baptist, Full Gospel, Word of fairh, Pentecostal, Wesley, Calvin, Reformed, Brethren, Methodist, rich, poor or ugly  IT WILL NOT MATTER! The only thing that will matter is JESUS!!!!!!

Start today to giving your life over to Gods call to holiness. Stop worrying about rich preaches and what they do and focus on what truly matters, your own personsl walk with the Lord.