Confession Time:
Ladies I am guilty of bad mouthing my husband. I have ran my mouth and said unkind things to him and behind his back, because I felt I had the right to "vent" my anger because he did something that ticked me off. I have been unkind to him and have greatly disrespected him. HOWEVER, the LORD has brought me to task. This is why I confess to everyone that I have been evil towards my husband. Yes I have asked his forgiveness and I am striving my hardest to stop running to my friends to tell them my woes and run to Jesus to let Him deal with my hurts.
Girls, marriage is hard. I've been at it now for 10 years at the time of writing this. I am going to give you all the best advice nobody gave me, that I had to learn the hard way.
Yes, you read it right. 3 months ago, I came to the most obvious conclusion that the problems I was having in our marriage, 50% of it was mine, and If I wanted to see change in my life, my walk with Jesus and my marriage, I had best learn to zip my lips. Stop running my mouth and start praying. I blame Joyce Meyers 30 day challenge for this slap in the head.
I took this challenge, and every morning I would wake up between 5-5:30am to pray, do devotions and read to have some quiet time with Jesus before the day begin. I thought I was doing this to learn the bible more, but in reality, it was to begin the very humbling and painful work of breaking my hard heart. Now I have not arrived, and am still in the process of being rebuilt, but I am seeing changes here and there and so is my man. Apparently, I'm "nice". I have never been described as "nice".
It is not through anything that I have done, but through the inner workings of the Holy Spirit in me. He has showed me that what Jesus wants from me most is not a perfect vessel, but a woman who is willing to walk the walk to Holiness.
Holiness is not as hard as perfection, Holiness is as simple as making what God wants and said to be what I want and speak. So for starters, I started speaking life into my husband and marriage, and stopped running to my friends for every little annoyance.
I can not change anyone, including myself, but Jesus can!
So what I'm going to do is in a new post after this one is posted, is to share with you all my 7 day prayer list. I believe that when we pray, we need to pray scripture over our men, not just our words and wants, but what God says...and we need not add our own thoughts in this, because it is not about praying for our own will, but praying God's will over our men in the various areas of their lives.
Thanks for allowing me to share my heart with you all. Know that you are not alone, we all have marital problems at some point, we are only human...