Monday, May 5, 2014

How Great Thou Art! Not.

Are you Walking in Offense?

Yesterday, while at Church, I heard an all to familiar story of a person who attended the church a few weeks back and well, wasn't warmly received. Which sadly does happen in a church of 500 people. Sometimes new people come in and we just don't see them. And if this person came at Easter time with the rest of the "Chri-sters" people, it's no doubt they got missed. (Chri-ster - Folks who attend at Christmas/Easter)

See, I find it really weird when people go to a new church and expect a ticker tape parade and the course of "How Great Thou Art" sung to them as they walk through the front doors of the church. Throngs of people shaking their hands, greeting each other with that "Holy kiss" and warmly welcoming them into the fold with a cup of coffee and a donut freshly baked and bought from the local Tim Hortons.


The only time there was a party like that was the day you chose Jesus and the angels rejoiced for your redemption. Luke 15:10 In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

Other than that, This is a typical Sunday morning if you arrive early:  The door greeters welcome you to Church: here's a pamphlet, This way to the coffee and juice, there's the toilet and there's the Sanctuary everything else you can find at the info desk to your left. It's a standard greeting with minimal connection based on the number of people coming in through the door.

 Now if you wander off to the info desk, you may have more of a connection, but again, they are there to answer your current inquires about what goes on in the church not to counsel you. So, unless you have questions, it's time for coffee. Now coffee is a great place to meet new people. Especially in our church. We have a our fellowship hall with large tables that seat 8 people comfortably. So grab yourself a coffee and go stand in the corner and ignore the people. Maybe someone will notice your awkward glances, but probably not. So chug your mug and go sit down for the service.

Service time is certainly not connection time. We got to sing, do announcements, take up offering, sing some more, listen to the preacher, sing again and boom you are out of there!

So now you've experienced a very typical Sunday morning at church, where no one talked to you, no one looked at you and you felt all alone in God's house.


1.Was going to church all about you or about getting closer to God? Ah ha! Heart motive!

Ephesians 5:1-33 - Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children.

Once upon a time I was a very unhappy woman. I was bitter and angry because life just wasn't fair. Now keep in mind folks, I'm a "Lifer", I've been saved my entire life, so I should know better right? PFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTT! Sure, right...whatever! Reality check, Even lifers have bad days, or weeks, or months or even years. We all stumble and we all fall and we all need Jesus! None of us is perfect or 100% righteous on our own all the time.

My story is, I've moved so much, it's become a hobby. So by moving, I've also had to go to different churches too, so I'd have to start all over from scratch again and again. It's stressful, and hard. It got to the point with moving that I figured what was the point in making friends because I knew I'd just have to pack up and leave shortly anyways, so I got all squishy faced and introverted and took on the attitude of "why bother, I'm just going to leave anyways". Yeah, sad isn't it. It's funny how we turn inwards instead of upwards to God.

Anyways, there was a time or 3 that I went to churches and felt totally ignored. Heck, I attended a church for a few months and one Sunday, someone asked me if it was my first time!  I was like, no, I've been here 3 or 4 months...Volunteered too. Talk about a kick in the ego eh.

Why just yesterday I was walking to church when I pass some girl on the street who wanted to start something with me because I apparently "Looked down my nose" at her. I swear as God as my witness, I didn't even notice her till she spoke to me! How vain do you have to be to think everyone is looking at you???

Anyways, I moved way, way, way, WAY up North. I was 3,069 km away from Santa Claus! That's way too close. We were first on his Christmas drop lol. Anyways, we started to attend a church there and I really didn't want to meet new people, but I felt lead by the LORD to stop my nonsense and trust that He knew what He was doing with my life. Friends, I've stepped in every province East of Quebec including one territory in less than 4 years. We move alot. But I also grown up alot in those four years and began to trust more faithfully in God than I had my entire life. So at His prompting I joined a women's home group and I tell you what, They were the best Tuesday I could ever have had at that point. I so looked forward to going out! It was a fantastic time and guess what! God broke those chains from off that walk of Offense! I literally felt free! I really came out of my shell! But here's why, I GOT OUT OF MY OWN WAY!  You should see me now! I am apparently a personable person! Or so I've been told. I had to google "personable" LOL!

Prov 19:11 A person's wisdom yields patience; it is to one's glory to overlook an offense.

Sisters, if you want to get notice you got to do something! Now I don't mean showing your boobs kind of notice, I mean get out of your shell, go shake a few hands, talk to strangers kind of something. First, ask God to fill you with His Joy and His heart for people! Then go and find that other person standing in the corner drinking coffee and say, Hi! I'm new here, how about you? You'll be surprised with the reaction you may receive. Heck, I bet if you came to church smiling and shaking hands, you'd have a better day period. We're women, we are born with the ability to talk! Use it to your advantage! You know you can extend JOY to your work or school too. Being friendly goes along way, especially to those who are quiet and withdrawn or loners. You never know a persons heart unless you get to know them.

There really is no reason to assume that going to a new church everyone will notice you. You are one among many that come in and out those doors. You got to tell people you are new. Make that your first priority. Introduce yourself.

I think this computer age has ruin our ways of communicating. We spend more time talking to computer screens then we do interacting with people in the real world. We have lost that fine art of communication! It's easy enough to come on line, post a status but you really are not making an authentic connection you would by sitting with that person in a coffee shop and looking into their eyes. I'm an eye person. Who ever holds the eyes holds the conversation. You got to look at people to gauge how they are responding to you. Most of our communication is done through body language so if you look like you ate a basket of lemons for breakfast, why assume anyone will want to be next to you. You could be the sweetest gal in the world, but if you look squishy faced, ain't no one want a piece of that! Not even my awesome make up skills can cover a scowl.

So check your heart. See what's going on, on the inside. What is the root to your offsene. We know it's not Jesus, so it's obviously something in you. If you are truly living for Jesus, then let that light shine. Don't be miserable squishy face when you go to church, smile and introduce yourself. No one will know you unless you let them in first. Balls in your court.

Cool thing about people sharing their life experiences...everything has been done before, so learn from other peoples mistakes and don't repeat them. Start one step higher then the rest and continue going onward and upward to receive that prize of the High calling of Jesus Christ!

Leviticus 19:18 - Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I [am] the LORD.

***If you have a topic you would like me to address, drop me a line! Warning though, what I say is not theological, it's based on "WHAT DOES GOD SAY" in His Holy Word!****